Can Perfume Be Slashed? Here Are Tips To Save Perfume So That The Smell Is Awet

YOGYAKARTA It turns out that some people are still shaking perfume in bottle packaging with the intention that the ingredients are completely mixed. The hope is that the stabbing will make the perfume last longer. Then can perfume be shaken to make it last longer?

It turns out that shaking perfume is not recommended. In fact, if you want a more durable perfume, you are not allowed to do this action. Unfortunately, the habit of shaking glass bottles filled with perfume is still carried out by some people. Some people even perform a ritual of shaking perfume before spraying it on the body.

Reporting from Wildstone, coarse-graining perfume bottles will increase perfume oxidation so that bubbles will be created in bottles. It should be noted that the majority of body perfume sprays are created with a mixture of chemical bonds that are smooth and that will be easy to laurt in the event of a shaking.

In addition, shaken perfume will increase the risk of evaporation of perfume content and trigger the entry of air. At that time, the perfume smells will fade and after sputtering into the fragrance body it will not last long or even disappear.

In addition, there is the potential for broken perfume bottles when shaken due to a bubble of air pressing the container.

How to store the right perfume helps keep the fragrance durable. On the other hand, the wrong storage will actually damage the fragrance. Here are tips for storing perfume so that the fragrance lasts longer.

The perfume bottle is usually clear in color so it needs to be stored in a cool place and minimal sunlight. Storing perfume bottles under direct sun exposure will only reduce the quality of perfume.

Avoid storing perfume in a hot place, either because of the heat of the sun or other sources. Heat will make fragrances fade easily. In addition, the heat will have an impact on the perfume bottle.

The cool environment is the best place to store perfume. Avoid storing perfume in an area with temperature fluctuations that are too high because the quality of perfume will decrease easily.

If you have the habit of keeping perfume in the bathroom or another room that is very moist, it's better to stop immediately. Unfortunately, excess room moisture is able to reduce the quality of perfume. If you want to store perfume in the bathroom, place it in a cupboard or brew a dry bathroom.

Closets or boxes made from linen are the best places to store perfume. Linen will help the rays get inside, prevent moisture, and be able to protect perfume from impacts. Tornadoes generally help protect perfume from negative environmental factors.

In addition to whether perfume can be shaken, visit to get other interesting information.