Minister Teten Expressed The Cause Of Delayed Halal Certification Until 2026

JAKARTA - Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki revealed a number of reasons for delaying halal certification for MSMEs until October 17, 2026. Teten said, there were at least three things that were considered the postponement of halal certification.

"The matter of halal certification was decided yesterday in a cabinet meeting by the President (Jokowi) postponed until October 17, 2026. The consideration is that October 17, 2024, cannot be fulfilled, because there are aspects of time, cost problems, companion problems and so on," said Teten at the Inabuyer B2B2G Expo 2024 press conference at the Smesco Building, Jakarta, Friday, May 17.

Teten said, taking into account these three things, President Jokowi had agreed. "Alhamdulillah, the President (Jokowi) agreed. Later, this impeachment presidential regulation will be issued," he said.

Thus, said Teten, MSME actors, especially those selling micro food, drinks, herbal medicine. Now they can feel calm.

"Later, we will prepare it again well, yes, so that on October 17, 2026 there will be no more extensions," he said.

He also admitted that he was worried if the halal certification plan would continue to be implemented in October 2024. Because, it is feared that later there will be MSME actors being investigated by the police.

"I am most worried that if it is forced on October 17, 2024, many MSMEs will be questioned by the police. I am most worried. Retail is also afraid. After we see that it is impossible to force it on October 17, 2024. Yes, I am fighting for these MSME friends," he said.

The postponement of halal certification until 2026 was decided through a limited meeting (ratas) at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, on Wednesday, May 15, 2024.

It is known that based on regulations, the obligation for halal certification will take effect from October 17, 2024, with a halal certification target of 10 million MSME actors.

However, the achievement of halal certification has only reached 4.42 million to date. This is still far from the expected target.