KY Does Not Want To Reveal The Identity Of 3 Judges In NTB Who Are Suspected Of Being Involved In Playing Cases

The Judicial Commission of the Republic of Indonesia revealed that three judges on duty in the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) region were suspected of being involved in playing a case."In 2024, there are three judges in NTB who are litigating," said Head of Human Resources, Advocacy, Law, Research and Development Division of the Indonesian Judicial Commission Binziad Gaddafi in Mataram, as reported by Antara, Thursday, May 16.Regarding the case and the identities of the three judges, Binziad has not disclosed it to the public. Nevertheless, he ensured that the cases of the three judges were currently being followed up in handling the judicial commission."What is certain is that this case is related to PMKH (the act of degrading the honor and dignity of judges)," he said.On a national scale, Binziad continued, the judicial commission handled at least 1,500 reports related to PMKH."That's the average report that the judicial commission can follow up on per year," he said.The follow-up to the handling of the report related to PMKH is pursued until completion at the Honorary Council of Judges (MKH) level."There (MKH) will later be proven and the sanctions against the litigants judges will be determined," he said.
The sanctions given depend on the violation of the judge's behavior. The most severe sanction is dishonorable dismissal.