Stunting Reduction In Bandung Increases By 32 To 120 Kelurahan, City Government Conducts Intervention

JABAR - The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) directly intervened 120 urban villages that were recorded to have residents with problems with children's growth and development or stunting.

"The Bandung City Government has added to the focus location (the focus) on accelerating the reduction in stunting prevalence in 2024 as many as 120 urban villages. This number has increased by 32 urban villages from the previous 88 urban villages in 2023," said Acting (Pj) Mayor of Bandung Bambang Tirtoyuliono in Bandung, Thursday, May 16, confiscated by Antara.

Bambang emphasized to related parties the accuracy of data as an important part so that the Bandung City Government can intervene proportionally to achieve the target of reducing stunting prevalence.

"This data must be better, so that during periodic evaluation we are not wrong in intervening," he said.

Meanwhile, in 2023, the Bandung City Government managed to reduce the stunting rate from 19.4 percent in 2022 to 16.3 percent.

Reflecting on the achievement of a decrease of 3.1 percent from the 2022 to 2023 period, he is optimistic that the stunting prevalence target in 2024 of 14 percent can be achieved.

There is a distance of approximately 2.4 percent (from the 2023 achievement to the 2024 target). This is a challenge for us. But I really believe, all regional apparatus work together to reduce stunting," he said.

Meanwhile, the Assistant for Government and People's Welfare of the Bandung City Government, Asep Gufron, said that the stunting rate in Bandung City in 2023 of 16.3 percent was a reflection that stunting reduction was still a priority for the development of Bandung City in 2024 and 2025.

He added that the city government will always be present with the community to jointly fill in urban development in order to realize the golden generation in 2045.

The 16.3 percent stunting rate shows that the stunting problem is still a priority with the development of the city of Bandung. Of course, the government will be present to realize the goals of the development of the city of Bandung in improving the quality of competitive human resources," said Asep.