So That Sex Doesn't End, Touch These 7 Body Parts During Foreplay

YOGYAKARTA Foreplay or known as warm-up before sex, not only does it function to drain more blood into the genitals to increase passion. But foreplay also builds a space right on the head for sex moments with your partner. It also helps shift the mind from being originally busy working overtime, then focuss on the experiences of the two of you who are intimate with your partner.

In addition, the function of foreplay makes penetration sex as a peak of sexual pleasure as much as possible. Penetration may be fun, but not everything. Every sexual activity is created the same as long as everyone and their partner feel pleasure. The point of the body during the following foreplay, don't let it not be touched because it is a sensitive zone that helps deliver towards the peak of sexual pleasure.

The area around the eye can be a sensual and sexual point. According to sexist Jill McDevitt, Ph.D. from CalExotics reported by Cosmopolitan, Wednesday, May 15, use your partner's thumb to gently caress your partner's eyebrows. Also give a soft kiss on her eyelids. Touching these two points, there are many intimacys that can arise from deep eye contact.

Around the mouth is filled with open nerves that have the potential to be sensitive to stimulation. This area is very sensitive to touch but is often overlooked, said clinical sexologist Rachel Ross, MD., Ph.D. When making out, you don't have to spit all your partner's mouth to get the benefits. Kiss as usual, then use the tip of your tongue to gently search the edge of your upper lip. Pull back and kiss again jokingly, then search the edge of your lower lip.

Tulang yang terlihat di bawah leher atas dada, perlu ditolekukan untuk men Stimulatekan pulasaran kesudungan ketika sedang bercinta. Disebut juga dengan tulang klavikula, bisa sangat responsive terhadap sentuhan ringan. Meski ini adalah bagian tubuh yang mungkin tidak setiap orang terstimulasi, bukan eksplorasi dan menemukan titik nikestaan juga sebuah upaya mendapatkan fun.

The prone area, the back of the neck, and shoulders are sensitive points that make them feel elucidated when touched. If your partner wants a touch that bite and makes it transversally spoiled, it can touch the area by way. For example with a touch of your fingers gently or a short kiss.

It's important to play in a sensitive zone, one of which is a tornado. According to Patti Britton, Ph.D., a Los Angeles-based clinical sexologist, this zone is fun to explore with your partner. Be gentle with your tongue, bite, touch, whatever makes the touch interesting. Keep in mind to always ask and make sure everyone has fun.

The body area from the bottom of the ribs to the hips has strong nerves that. When stimulated, connect directly to your partner's clitoris and penis or vulva.

"When you touch this area, reflexively causes the pelvic floor muscles to contract in people of all sexes, which increases passion," says Dr. Ross.

You should use a more assertive touch here, as it is more attractive than other places. Start from one side, right below the ribs, and swab the area with your hands or put more pressure than usual with your lips and bite slowly into the hip bone.

The lower part of the spine is full of nerves and therefore has the potential to arouse enthusiasm. To take advantage of it, you and your partner can massage each other. Start from the bone of the bed and move your hands down with a peeling movement. In the lower back, shift to a softer touch, and slowly turn your fingers around.

"This area is very restrictive, the softest touch alone will give the whole body goosebumps," said Dr. Ross.

Those are the seven parts of the body that should not be ignored during foreplay. It is important to understand, foreplay not only helps prepare thoughts and focus, but also stimulates biological reactions that help get peak pleasure.