Even 28 Years Old, APJII Continues To Commit To Encourage The Internet Industry In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) is 28 years old. APJII General Chair Muhammad Arif Angga said that until now APJII already has 1,044 members.

"At the age of our 28th, we all have the same spirit, namely to continue collaborating to advance the Internet industry in Indonesia," said Arif during the celebration of APJII's 28th anniversary which took place on Wednesday, May 15 in Jakarta.

With the same spirit, Arif emphasized that 1,044 internet service providers (ISP) in Indonesia are ready to provide quality Internet connections for more people throughout Indonesia.

The increase in ISP which continues to increase every year is also a good signal that the Internet industry in Indonesia is heading in the right direction, in line with the digital transformation program launched by the Government.

"Seeing Indonesia's Internet penetration rate this year, in addition to increasing the number of ISPs and increasing infrastructure, network expansion is one of the most important aspects in the advancement of the domestic Internet industry," he said.

The expansion of the network is indeed one of the main keys to increasing the reach of Internet connections for the community.

Arif also added, APJII believes that the more people are affordable by the Internet connection, the better the acceleration of the digital economy in the country.