Handling 7,700 Protections Throughout 2023, LPSK Strengthens Organizations

JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) will strengthen the organization to answer the higher public expectations of the institution.
"There are several agendas that we will carry out, including number one is about strengthening the organization. As we know, public expectations for LPSK are getting higher and bigger," said LPSK member Antonius PS Wibowo after taking an oath/promise in front of the President at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday, along with other LPSK members, Wednesday, May 15, confiscated by Antara.
Antonius said the increasing public expectations of LPSK were reflected in the number of requests for protection to LPSK which always rose dramatically.
"Last year around 7,700 approached 8,000. Meanwhile, when compared to when we (LPSK) started serving in early 2019-2020 it was still around 2,500," he said.
According to him, public expectations that spike sharply must be followed by strengthening the organization at the level of human resources, budgets, networks and others.
In addition, LPSK will also optimize the use of information technology in order to support requests for protection and support the implementation of witness and victim protection.
LPSK, said Antonius, will also strengthen the network with all stakeholders, both members of the council, the government, the mass media of public organizations and others.
A total of seven members of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) for the Term of Office 2024-2029 took an oath/promise in front of President Jokowi at the State Palace, Jakarta, today.
The seven LPSK members who took the oath/promise were Anton PS Wibowo, Sri Suparyati, Susilaningtias, Wawan Fahrudin, Mahyudin, Achmadi, and Sri Nurherwati.
This event began with the reading of the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 52/P of 2024 concerning the dismissal and appointment of LPSK members, then the oath/promise was pronounced.