Unhealthy Nail Sign: Don't Consider It Remeh If You Don't Want To Regret It Later!

YOGYAKARTA - Who would have thought that our nails could be a reflection of Health. Well, how come? Because this time we will discuss signs of unhealthy nails, see until they are finished, yes!
The existence of disease can be seen from the condition of the nails. Follow some characteristics of unhealthy nails that can be a symptom of disease.
For some people, especially women, nail polishing is important to support appearance. Meanwhile, not a few people think the appearance of nails doesn't really mean much to pay attention to.
They tend to be indifferent to the condition of their nails. Moreover, nails are rarely cleaned and their health is not maintained. Meanwhile, the health of the nails can be a sign of certain diseases or medical conditions experienced by the body.
Unhealthy nails display health problems or inadequate care. Here are some characteristics of unhealthy nails along with their explanations:
I. Dry Nails, Breaks, And Fragile
Cracked and brittle nails can be caused by inflammation of mold. However, if the nails break apart and also experience shape disorders, this could indicate problems in the body. For example, the body is malnourished, especially iron, minerals, as well as protein, or thyroid disease.
Not only that, reported by American Osteopathic College of Dermatology (AOCD), brittle nails can be caused by several aspects, namely:
II. Black Line in Kuku
The black line that arises on the nails, could be a sign that you are suffering from melanoma. Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that is categorized as aggressive and difficult to treat. Melanoma grows from cells that create skin pigments called melanocytes. One of the triggers of melanoma can be from exposure to excess sunlight.
Well, that's the description of the characteristics of the nails that are not healthy along with the trigger and their relationship with your health condition. This means that keeping your nails healthy is a significant part of body care in totality. Healthy and conserved nails can help protect you from inflammation and other problems and protect your good performance.
III. Kuku Colors That Change
The color of the nails that changes can be an indication of a problem. The color of the nails is healthy, namely pink, clear, and shiny. So, when your nails are colored other than that, it could be disturbed again. For example, the condition of the blue nails is a sign that you lack oxygen.
Other diseases seen from blue nails are the lungs and heart. After that, the yellowing nails may be signs of inflammation of fungi, psoriasis, thyroid problems, liver or liver disorders, or lung disorders.
IV. Spotted Nails
Examples of unhealthy nails can also be associated with the presence of spots or stains on the nails. Here are some possible causes of spots or spots on the nails:
V. Swelling Around Nails
The swelling of the skin around the nails can occur because of the presence of tissue inflammation around the nails. It could be due to bacterial inflammation that enters through small wounds or uneven nail pieces; inflammation of mold that affects the tissue around the nails and makes it inflamed; trauma due to nail wounds; until the presence of several other medical conditions, such as psoriasis or dermatitis.
VI. Changes In Nail Shape
Nails that experience extreme changes in form, could be signs of certain diseases, such as anemia or heart disease, you know. There are several types of changes in the shape of the nails that can occur, and each type has different triggers. Here are:
VII. Changes in Nail Growth
If the development of the nails changes to very slow or very fast, this can be a characteristic of a change in the health of your body. The development of very slow nails can be adrift of hormonal changes or health problems. In contrast, the development of very fast nails can be caused by changes in nutrients or diseases such as hyperthyroidism.
In addition, there are several risks posed from: 'Efficts Often Use Fake Nails'.
So after knowing the signs of unhealthy nails, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!