5 Safe Ways To Deal With Fever, Is It Really A Warm Or Cold Compress?

YOGYAKARTA While not feeling well followed by fever, the body feels uncomfortable. You may also feel tired for days. According to family medicine doctor Neha Vyas, MD., there are a number of safe ways to relieve fever.

Hold the desire to work or work when you have a fever. When you have a fever, just rest because the immune system needs to work properly. If you force yourself to stay on duty, fever can last longer without easing.

Hydration can help fever subside faster. You may sweat more when you have a fever, so you need to refill your body's fluids by drinking enough. In addition, the body's system, including immunity, requires fluids to function properly.

You can quickly become dehydrated if you don't drink during fever. When you are dehydrated, the body will be more difficult to fight disease," explained doctor Vyas.

Drink drinks that make you comfortable. The safest is water, but it's also okay to have herbal tea or tisane. But avoid caffeine because it makes you urinate more often and triggers dehydration that interferes with recovery. In addition to drinking, try eating something too.

Many people make mistakes in compressing warm water when they have a fever. That's right, when you have a cold compress fever under your arm for 10 minutes every time you compress. But don't use a cold compress on your baby and your child. They can't always tell you if the weather is too cold for their skin.

Wearing a blanket when the environmental temperature is down, helps secure the body. But don't build up layers of blankets that make you sweat. Too many blankets can increase your body temperature even further. Warming up can also increase the risk of dehydration because you will most likely start to sweat. So warm your body if you're just cold. If you start to sweat and get hot, let go of the blanket.

Reducing fever and ibuprofen can treat headaches or body aches. Launching Cleveland Clinic, Monday, May 13, before taking any medication, first read the dose label and when and how often you should take it. Make sure you don't take other drugs that can interact with fever-reducing or pain relievers. Aspirin can also reduce fever, but don't give it to children under 18 years of age.

In addition to the five ways to reduce fever safely above, it is important to understand. That children have more frequent fever than adults. Whatever the age of people who have fever, understand that fever is just a sign that you have a disease. It is also important to immediately check with a doctor if there is no clear cause of fever, more than five days, and the fever does not subside even after drinking a fever.