Pertamina International Refinery Targets Petrochemical Production Of 7.5 Million Tons By 2030

JAKARTA - President Director of the Pertamina International Refinery (KPI), Taufik Aditiyawarman, revealed that KPI has a petrochemical production target of 7.5 million tons per year in 2030 from the current production position of 1.9 million tons per year.

"Currently, there are 3 petrochemical business development options in Indonesia that can be carried out together with KPI, namely the Joint Venture scheme, strategic agreement, and Merger & Acquisition," said Taufik at The National Petrochemical Conference (NPC) 2024, Monday, May 13.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT Tuban Petrochemical Industries, Sukriyanto discussed financing the infrastructure of the national petrochemical industry in a public private partnership manner.

"Through this method, the government and the private sector can share benefits and costs to accelerate the development of petrochemical infrastructure in one integrated area, so that efficiency is obtained in financing and using the infrastructure," he said.

On the same occasion, Pertamina's President Director, Nicke Widyawati, said that the potential for petrochemical business development in Indonesia is still very large.

"Currently the potential gas to petrochemical can be developed as an effort to support the achievement of the Net Zero Emission target," said Nicke.

In addition, Nicke also hopes that there will be a prepared roadmap framework related to the development of petrochemical businesses in Indonesia, covering various aspects, including transportation, distribution, infrastructure and fiscal incentives.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Industry, Agus Gumilang Kartasasmita, also said that new investment opportunities are also still open to the development of petrochemicals.

Pertamina is expected to continue to pay special attention to the growth of petrochemical production, including Naphtha to meet domestic needs.

"I also hope that Pertamina will be able to supply petrochemical raw materials both from the upstream, intermediate and downstream sides," said Agus.