Errors In Processing Canned Foods That Are Often Done, Don't Ignore!

YOGYAKARTA Mistakes in processing canned food are often ignored. In fact, this information is very important so that you can avoid various health risks.

The presence of canned food has made it easier for households to make dishes for their families. Food packaged in cans is often an option because it is practical and easy to process.

Sayangnya, banyak dari kita yang tidak menyadari bahwa ada kesalahan umum yang sering dilakukan ketika mengolah makanan can. Bila dibaikan, hal ini bisa mengurangi kualitas makanan yang dibajikan, bahkan dapat berdampak bagi kesehatan.

Therefore, let's look at the mistakes in processing canned food in the following reviews.

Summarized from various sources, Monday, May 13, 2024, the following are some of the uum errors that are often made when processing canned food.

1. Do not check the expiration date

The first mistake in processing canned food was not paying attention to the expiration date.

Please note, fast food, including canned food, generally gives 3 years of storage before the expiration date. Expiration date is a date related to food safety

Generally canned food gives 3 years of storage before the expiration date. If it is past this date, canned food is no longer suitable for consumption and should be thrown away immediately.

Consumption of canned food that has passed the expiration date can threaten health. Therefore, it is important to check the expiration date of canned food before buying or processing it.

2. Don't wash canned food before processing

The second mistake is not washing canned food before processing. Although canned food has been processed hygienically, dust, dirt, or other particles can still stick to the surface of the food.

In addition, there is a possibility that canned food contains residue from preservative and impurity liquids that can be breeding grounds for bacteria.

Therefore, it is important to wash canned food with running water before processing. This helps relieve moisture and the smell of metal that often appears.

3. For too long processing canned food

Overcooling or overheating is also a common mistake that is often done when processing canned food.

Canned food is usually cooked before canning, so you just need to heat it or cook it for a while.

Overcool can make the texture of canned food soft and taste less delicious. Make sure to follow the instructions for cooking time on the packaging cans so that the dishes served are still delicious.

4. Not keeping properly

Another common mistake is not storing canned food properly. After the packaging is opened, you should move the rest of the food to an airtight container and store it in a refrigerator. Don't leave the food in an open can, the fiber can affect the taste and quality.

5. Warm the canned food directly in the container

Warming the canned food in its area is also a common mistake to avoid. This habit can damage the inner layers of the can and transfer metal into food.

The way to send the right canned food is to pass the canned food into the microwave or pot container before warming it. Also make sure to use the safe ingredients if you want to warm the food with the microwave.

That's information about the error of processing canned food. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.