Passport Photo Rules In Indonesia For Men And Women In Hijabs
YOGYAKARTA - Passports are official documents needed by Indonesian citizens to travel abroad. Many Indonesians make passports for the purpose of vacationing abroad, traveling in business, or undergoing studies in other countries.
Everyone can make passports before traveling abroad. The immigration office opens passport-making services for adults and children. Procedures for passport applications for children are also not much different from ordinary passports.
Passport applicants will undergo various stages of passport making, including taking photos. Of course you want to have the best photos embedded in your passport card. For those of you who intend to make a passport, you need to know the passport photo rules in Indonesia and the provisions.
Taking photos for passport making must be done as best as possible because it will be used in a valid passport of 10 years. Passport applicants do not only need to pay attention to facial appearance and hairstyle. But also must comply with the provisions regarding the clothes worn when taking pictures.
Here are some passport photo rules in Indonesia for those of you who are just about to make passports:
When taking passport photos, it is recommended to choose dark underwear such as black, gray, or other dark colors. Avoid wearing a white shirt because it will blend with the background of the also white photo.
To appear professional in passport photos, it is recommended to wear neat and collared clothes. The choice of neat clothes that are suitable for you to use, namely a collared shirt with long or short sleeves. If you use a hijab, it is advisable to choose a blouse or a boss that matches the hijab color.
Even if only the upper part of the body will be visible in the passport photo, make sure the clothes you wear are in a neat condition. In addition, avoid wearing shorts or flip-flops during the photo taking process. Performance must remain neat and professional when visiting the immigration office.
When using glasses, officers at the immigration office will ask to let him go when taking photos. Photos on passports are intended to show identification naturally. Therefore, the Indonesian immigration office does not allow the use of glasses or other objects that can block the face.
In the photo, all parts of the face must be clearly visible. Long hair can be arranged behind the ears and shoulders to ensure the forehead and eyes are not closed. You can first manage your hair before entering the photo room or when you are in it.
When taking a passport, it is required to display a neutral facial expression. Smiles are allowed but without showing teeth. When posing for passport photos, you are allowed to smile.
Usually photo officers at the immigration office will instruct to show a smile without showing teeth, so that the face looks neutral in the passport photo. In addition, it is recommended to sit in an upright position and take a straight look at the camera to get optimal photos.
For women wearing hijabs or wearing headscarves, there are several rules that need to be considered. Make sure that the headscarf you wear does not cover the face, such as foreheads, eyebrows, and chins. In addition, it is recommended to avoid the use of white headscarves because the background of the photo is white.
Such is the information on passport photo rules in Indonesia that needs to be understood for those of you who plan to make a passport. For applications or passport registration, you can do it online or come directly to the immigration office. Also read how to make passports for children online.
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