Saving Animals According To Beneficial Research Reduces Stress

YOGYAKARTA PhysICAL stress is characterized by fatigue, anxiety, and headaches. This sign is experienced by 76 percent of adults in the United States, referring to the American Psychological Association. On the other hand, in the US there are also 390,000 dogs and 530,000 cats are euthanized every year. These two facts turned out to be explored in research and found that saving stray animals or stray is beneficial for relieve stress.

chronic stress can lead to a number of psychological and physiological pathologies. Significantly stress affects health, well-being, and quality of life. Stress is also related to causing chronic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, endocrinological disease, intestinal syndrome, viral infection, sepsis, and respiratory disease. Psychologically, stress can cause fatigue, dementia, post-traumatic stress, sleep disorders, depression, and cognitive difficulties. That is, managing and reducing stress can reduce the risk of psychological and physiological disorders.

According to Jeff Comer, Psy.D., the CEO of the hospital who is also a psychologist registers five benefits of saving stray animals. Here's a list of benefits.

When stress occurs, your sympathetic nervous system releases many chemical carriers. When facing a threatening situation, this messenger makes us alert. This means that there is a positive side of stress. But when chronic stress, these message carrier molecules cause psychophysiological damage. Well, when you are near a pet, the function of this parasimpathic nervous system is different in performance. The system reduces the presence of inflammatory chemicals, such as cortisol and cytokines, thereby reducing stress.

It's very difficult not to smile when you come home and are greeted by anabul jumping cheerfully while shaking its tail. This is a picture of the active mirror neurons, which ignite when observing the behavior of other organisms so that observers behave similarly.

If the cat or dog you save smiles on you, then the smile on your face is also not reluctant to bloom. This is an important evolutionary development concept that is involved in learning, self-awareness, and the formation of empathy. By looking at passionate dogs or cats, our mirror neurons act immediately, causing us to imitate these behaviors, resulting in positive influence.

Playing and exercising are the two best ways to reduce stress. This activity makes blood circulate well, neurotransmitters are active, and endorphins flow. On a tough day, it's impossible for you to remain silent when you see anabul running cheerfully around you.

Caring for pets requires you to focus on tasks. That can include feeding, traveling together, caring for the health of pets, bathing, cleaning literboxes, and others. By focusing on the responsibility of pet ownership, you accidentally practice mindfulness which is an important method of reducing stress.

The four benefits mentioned above apply to all pets. But these fifth benefits are slightly unique. Because according to Comer, showing affection for animals you adopt or save, is a fun thing and reduces your stress.

The benefits of saving the animals above are a list of benefits in Comer dissertation. It examines therapeutic interventions in war veterans who experience post-traumatic stress (PTS/post-traumatic stress). The results of the study found that being near pets caused veterans with PTS to experience a decrease in cognitive and hyperarousal contemplations. This allows for calming, stress-reducing effects, and has a happier overall view.