Know Safe Sat Time Limits For Health, When Should You Rest?

YOGYAKARTA Sitting for too long can actually trigger muscle stiffness and joints. In addition, sitting too much can also cause pain in the body such as the waist and back. These various problems can be avoided as long as you know the time limit for a safe seat for health.

Sitting for too long can reduce muscle activity, especially large muscles on the legs and back muscles. If done for a long time, this will affect the body's ability to regulate blood sugar and blood pressure, as well as slow down the work of metabolism and body fat sequestration.

This is the reason why sitting for too long is often associated with various health problems, such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, cancer, and dimensiona. The risk of death from heart disease and blood vessels is also known to increase.

Sitting for too long coupled with an incorrect sitting position can cause pain to the back, shoulders, and hips.

This habit also makes bone density decrease and risks getting osteoporosis faster.

Not only affecting physical health, sitting for too long can also have an impact on mental health. It is not certain what the relationship between sitting for too long with the condition of the minister. However, the risk of anxiety and depression is known to be higher when you are often spent sitting and not actively moving.

Originally, there were no definite rules about how long the seats were said to take too long. However, if most of your work is done in a sitting position, you are advised to start reducing the intensity.

To prevent the effects of sitting for too long, experts suggest that you take a break from sitting position every 30 or 60 minutes. At this time, you can stand, walk around, or go up and down stairs. You also take advantage of your break by doing a light stretch.

Not enough to stop there, you are also advised to do the following things in order to avoid the effects of sitting for too long:

That's information about a safe seating time limit for health. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.