Arrest Of An Email Mode Fraud Gang, One Of Them When Consumption Of Gorilla Tobacco

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police arrested five suspects in a fraudulent email mode fraud case that cost Singaporean companies Rp32 billion. During the arrest process, the police also arrested a foreign national (WNA) from Nigeria for being caught smoking gorilla tobacco."Turut diamankan satu warga negara Nigeria on behalf of Henry Cidum 34 tahun, yang sedang menggunakan tembakau Gorilla," ujar Direktur Tindak Pidana Siber Bareskrim Polri Brigjen Himawan Bayu Aji kepada wartawan, Selasa, 7 Mei.From the examination, it was also found 5 rounds of Gorilla tobacco from Henry Cidum. So, the handling is handed over to the Directorate of Drugs at Bareskrim."It was handed over to the Directorate of Drugs at Bareskrim and transferred to immigration because it does not have an identity," he said.However, the location of the arrest was not disclosed in detail. It was only stated that at that time the suspects were in the DKI Jakarta area, on April 25.Meanwhile, the five fraud suspects are said to have the initials CO alias O, EJA alias E, DN alias L, YC, and I. Investigators are still hunting for another suspect with the initials S.Meanwhile, this gang action has tricked Kingsford funeral development Ltd so that it suffered a loss of IDR 32 billion.The scam was when the suspects made an email to Kingsford huray development Ltd on behalf of PT. Hutons Asia InternationalWith this email, Kingsford funeral development Ltd, which is a company from Singapore, communicated with the suspect. Until finally transferred the money to an account given by the suspect worth Rp32 billion.However, after being verified, it turned out that the email did not belong to PT. Hutons Asia."The perpetrators were tricking the victim by using fake emails, namely changing the alphabet position or adding several or several alphabets to the email address to resemble the original," he said."So the victim suffered a material loss of Rp32 billion," continued Himawan.In this case, the suspects are charged with Article 51 Paragraph 1 Junto of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning electronic information and transactions and or Article 378 of the Criminal Code and Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code and Article 82 and Article 85 of Law Number 3 of 2011 concerning transfer of funds.
Then, Article 3, Article 5 paragraph 1, Article 10 of Law number 8 of 2010 concerning the prevention and eradication of money laundering with a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.