Teenager Clashes In Kampung Bahari Tanjung Priok, Todong Senpi And Sajam Perpetrators To Opponents

JAKARTA Clashes between groups near the railroad tracks (KA) in the Kampung Bahari area, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, worried the local community. This is because a number of perpetrators carried objects similar to firearms (senpi) and sharp weapons (sajam).

Tanjung Priok Police Chief Kompol Nazirwan said the clashes would occur on Thursday, May 2, in the afternoon.

"Yesterday there was a brawl on the rails, in the marine village. Fellow residents of Bahari village," said Nazirwan, Friday, May 3.

Regarding the presence of a man suspected of carrying a gun-like object, said Nazirwan, his party is still investigating this matter. Because the perpetrator is still being chased.

"We can't guess. So we are still investigating (the man is holding the object suspected of being a senpi)," he said.

The former Pesanggarahan Police Chief emphasized that he would increase security in the area to prevent similar incidents.

"For prevention, we are actually guarding there, again on standby anti-brawl. It's only half an hour apart. We disband, they are fighting. (Therefore) we will increase it again, yesterday it was already there. Yes, the personnel will be added at most," he concluded.