Minister Of Communication And Information Budi Affirms Starlink's Presence Is Not Suitable For Jakarta

JAKARTA - Starlink is reported to have fulfilled the Operational Implementation Test (ULO), thus, the company owned by Elon Musk has obtained a permit as a telecommunications organizer in Indonesia.

"It has been tested, ULO is a feasible test for operas, that Starlink meets the criteria for proper test operations in Indonesia. But later he will test again, try out all kinds of services, I see," said Minister of Communications and Information Budi Arie Setiadi on Tuesday, April 30.

In addition, the Minister of Communication and Information Budi also reiterated that the presence of the Starlink satellite would not harm the ecosystem owned by local Internet Service Providers (PJI), which had already operated in Indonesia.

Because according to him, satellite-based internet services will be focused and will only sell well in areas that cannot be reached by fiber optics or other infrastructure.

"Don't worry, the price doesn't compete. He fits in 3T, if he's in the city or not. Now, the price won't be competitive in urban areas, he loses," Budi further told the media crew.

Nevertheless, Budi said that the Indonesian government did not take part in determining the price of Starlink services. "The price is for market matters. Now he wants to go to retail, go ahead," added Budi.

"You don't have to be bothered, in fact, Eastern Indonesia is difficult if there is no satellite technology. Don't imagine that Starlink services in Jakarta can't be competitive. Jakarta uses fiber, wirelessly fast," he said.

Starlink will also resume testing services in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) in mid-May this year.