Labor President Said Iqbal Calls Moeldoko-Pratikno Will Meet Labor

JAKARTA - Labor Party President Said Iqbal said Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Moeldoko and Minister of State Secretary Pratikno would meet a delegation of mass workers who demonstrated in the context of International Labor Day or May Day.

"Probably, today he said the State Secretary and the chief of staff of the KSP will receive a delegation. Possibly yes," Said Iqbal told reporters at the Horse Statue, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, May 1.

Said Iqbal said that in his claim, namely the revocation of the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Law and the elimination of outsourching or rejection of low wages.

Moreover, many of the bitternesss experienced by workers include termination of employment to the minimum wage that has not prospered the people.

"Therefore, the labor party together with the labor union organization stated that they refused, asking the Constitutional Court to revoke the Omnibus Law on Job Creation, especially the labor cluster and farmers, and the environment and human rights that are being sued at the Constitutional Court," he said.