Jordi Onsu Setia Temani Sarwendah Sinus Operation When Ruben Onsu Absent Accompanied

JAKARTA - The celebrity Sarwendah has just finished undergoing surgery for the sinus illness she suffered some time ago. This was conveyed by Sarwendah herself through uploads on her personal Instagram.

However, the upload did not show her husband Ruben Onsu accompanying him. This raises questions among netizens regarding the absence of her husband.

Sarwendah tried to answer the netizens' confusion by saying that it was true that Ruben Onsu did not accompany him at the hospital but his brother-in-law and also his three children.

For Sarwendah, this is a natural thing for him who is only accompanied by children and family.

"Yes, it's natural to be accompanied by a child, accompanied by a relative, accompanied by a parent, right, it's really natural, right? It's just that sometimes it's like how come it's really close? Later when you're close to something wrong, it's close to the problem. Yes, it's really wrong," said Sarwendah in the Karawaci area, Tangerang, Monday, April 29.

Sarwendah and Ruben Onsu's eldest son, Betrand Putra Onsu, admitted that he was loyal to accompanying his mother from the start until he was finally allowed to go home.

"From the beginning, the mother entered until she returned home, I was the one who accompanied her," said Betrand.

Likewise with Jordi Onsu, who is reportedly having a feud with Ruben Onsu because of family problems, although not every day he comes because of his busy schedule.

"It's the same as Uncle Jordi. Uncle goes back and forth because Uncle has a job shooting too," concluded Betrand.