Elected By Aklamation, Fadli Zon Returns To Be Vice President Of The World Parliamentary League For Palestine

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Fadli Zon, was again elected by acclamation to become Vice President of the World Parliament for Palestine with Deputy Speaker of the Algerian Parliament Ahmed Al Kharshi and Member of the Turkish Parliament Hasan Turan.

The election was held by acclamation and took place at the end of the 5th Al Quds League Conference, on Sunday, April 28, 2024. Fadli was named Vice President of the Al Quds League for the third time after previously being elected to hold a similar position at the 2020 Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and 2021 in Ankara, Turkey.

Along with that, the World Parliament Conference for Palestine or the League of Parliamentarians for Al Quds and Palestine also again agreed on Members of the Yemeni Parliament Hamid Bin Abdullah Al-Ahmar as President. In addition to the selection of the helmsman, the conference also agreed on the composition of the Executive Committee and Advisory Board members as well as the recognition of the Youth and Women Parliament in the League organs.

In his statement, the member of Commission I of the DPR RI emphasized that this position was a difficult task as well as an honor to defend and participate in fighting for the independence of the Palestinian people.

"This is a noble task for me personally and of course also for Indonesia to continue to commit to fighting for Palestinian independence according to the promises of the founders of the Republic of Indonesia." said Fadli in his statement, Tuesday, April 30.

The election of Fadli Zon as the only Vice President of a global parliamentary organization for Palestine that is not from Arab and Middle Eastern countries shows high global expectations for Indonesia's role. It also shows Indonesia's commitment both at the government and parliamentary levels to the Palestinian independence struggle.

The conference also issued final statements and recommendations, among others, condemning Israel's genocide, war crimes and human rights violations in the Gaza Strip and condemning all forms of support from Western countries against Israel; demanding a permanent ceasefire, release of prisoners, and the implementation of the decision of the International Court/ICJ for Israel to be tried for its crimes.

The global parliamentary organization for Palestine is also demanding the International Criminal Court / International Criminal Court to issue arrest warrants for genocidal perpetrators. and calls for the establishment of parliament-backed international legal initiatives to coordinate global legal remedies to try genocidal perpetrators.

In addition, the final statement of the World Parliamentary Conference on Palestine also prompted all parties to continue to contribute to the funding of UNWRA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees and asked all parties not to open diplomatic relations with Israel.

For information, the conference, which was held for three days, was attended by more than 700 lawmakers from the 80s. In its activities, "Jerusalem Exhibition" was also presented featuring exhibitions of various typical Palestinian souvenirs and screenings of the latest condition short films in the Gaza Strip following the Israeli attack.