PINTU Gelar Ethereum Meetup Indonesia Untuk Perkuat Developer Tanah Air

JAKARTA - PT Pintu Kemana Saja (PINTU), the crypto buying and selling platform has resumed the Road to Devcon Ethereum 2024 series after 2023 conducting a roadshow to three universities. This time, in order to strengthen the Ethereum ecosystem in Indonesia, PINTU held discussions with developers and communities entitled Ethereum Meetup Indonesia by presenting two speakers, namely Devcon Team Lead Skylar total and Devcon Brand Designer Tomo Saito.

"We believe, Indonesia has a large number of quality crypto developers capable of developing a project under the Ethereum ecosystem. Through Ethereum Meetup Indonesia by presenting directly representatives from the Devcon team, we want this event to be a forum for developers and communities to explore, expand connections, and take valuable experience from professionals in the Web3 sector to later develop various attractive global-scale projects," said Head of Community DOOR Jonathan Hartono, in a written statement, Friday, April 26. Jonathan added, Ethereum Meetup Indonesia is an important series to inform the public, especially developers regarding the implementation of Devcon which will first be held in Southeast Asia, precisely in Bangkok, Thailand, from 12 to 15 November 2024.

"We encourage Indonesian developers to participate and present the best projects that are able to compete in the international realm," explained Jonathan. Ethereum Foundation launched the Grants Road to Development (RTD) program to support the emergence of Ethereum events, open discussions with communities, and initiatives to provide education in various regions, one of which is Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia in 2024 was chosen as the seventh Devcon organizer because it was considered to have great opportunities and rapid developments.

Skylarung, Devcon Team Lead, who is present as a panelist, said that his party sees Ethereum as the next version of the internet which aims to have a direct impact on developing countries in Southeast Asia as well as Indonesia.

"As for the benefits that can be felt through the use of Ethereum, among others; providing the public with access to financial services, access to money that is resistant to sensors, to prioritizing user privacy," he explained. In the same session, Tomo Saito, Devcon Brand Designer gave his appreciation for the enthusiasm of the community in Indonesia.

After meeting with several Ethereum developers in Asian countries, I appreciate the enthusiasm and creativity of developers in Asia. Although in terms of the number of Asian developers is still lagging behind, the spirit of the developers here is very high, which is why the seventh Road to Devcon will be held in Southeast Asia which is expected to inspire the next generation of ETH Developers in Asia," he said.

Based on data from the Dappros platform, in 2023, the developer blockchain (web3) in Indonesia will only number 296 developers. Indonesia is still below Singapore which reached 657 developers.

"We are optimistic that crypto investment growth and blockchain technology development in Indonesia will continue, accompanied by an increase in the number of blockchain developers. Events like Road to Devcon are ideal platforms for study developers as well as expanding access in the blockchain world," concluded Jonathan Hartono, Head of Community DOOR.