Need To Be Known, These Are 10 Differences In Concerns And Anxiety
YOGYAKARTA Concerns and anxiety are often considered similar. Actually, the two are different even though they refer to the same thing. Concerns fill the whole brain space, while the anxiety of the symptoms is more extreme, including restless.
According to the head of the mental health counseling program at the University of Phoenix, Dean Aslinia, Ph.D., LPC-S., NCC., reported by PsychCentral, Tuesday, April 23, anxiety is a body alarm against potential threats. People often view anxiety as a negative thing, even though it is not an enemy. Without threats and alarm sounds, you will stop feeling anxious and be able to return to your activities. More specifically, here's a list of differences in worry and anxiety.
Concerns focus on thoughts that stay in the head. In contrast to anxiety whose symptoms are clearly recognized. Like anxiety, cold sweat, and irregular heartbeats.
Feelings of worry, maybe come at a tight time to get to the airport just before the flight schedule of the plane you are on. But anxiety may arise while you are on the way, is there anything unexpected that makes you late, to other more common concerns but it's not clear what it is.
Understanding the third difference between worry and anxiety is important. The reason is, concerns can direct us to think about solutions and strategies in dealing with difficult situations. In contrast to anxiety which according to clinical psychologist Guy totals, Ph.D., reported by Psychology Today, such as the wheels of the hamster playing. In addition to triggering verbal thoughts, greater anxiety triggers cardiovascular response.
For example, if you are worried that the house will not be safe, then you can install CCTv or replace the smartdoor door. That means, concerns often encourage us to think about solving problems. Well, anxiety will spread and the mind will not focus on finding solutions to problems.
As explained earlier, concerns are in the mind while at the same time encouraging the thought of a solution. If you are worried, it is just a psychological situation that is much stronger and annoying. So anxiety can cause severe emotional pressure.
A person who experiences anxiety disorders, it is important to get professional help. The reason is, because anxiety tends to be based on broad and unrealistic things. For example, you are worried that you will be fired for not watching your child's piano show, it's called anxiety. While concerns, based on realistic things, for example, worry about being fired due to poor performance.
Concerns can be controlled when we can solve problems and address the causes of concerns. Smaller disappointment can be controlled, as it is much more difficult to talk to yourself to avoid anxiety.
Concerns can disappear when the problem is over. If you are worried, it can last for a long time and even worry about other things. For example, anxiety about work that has long spread to relationships, children, to finances.
No one can concentrate fully on work when they feel anxious. Anxiety makes us restless and uncomfortable, making it difficult to concentrate.
When a person experiences intense and repeated anxiety, they require professional care or treatment. As described above, anxiety can interfere with many things, including cardiovascular health.
That's the difference between anxiety and anxiety. To get a diagnosis, it's important to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist and a mental health professional.