Joko Anwar's Latest Series, Nightmares And Days Are Released June 14

JAKARTA - Joko Anwar will present a new series titled Nightmares and Daysreams. This supernatural sci-fi series marks its collaboration with Netflix for the first time.

Today, Monday, April 22, Netflix announced complete information about this series. Nightmares and Daydreams tells the story of a series of strange phenomena that interconnect with each other as many as seven episodes.

The seven episodes will be played by different actors and directed by all three prominent names in the industry. Joko Anwar is the executive producer as well as director along with Ray Pakpahan, Tommy Dewo, and Randolph Zaini.

In his latest video, Joko Anwar announced the first episode of the series titled Old House which focuses on a taxi driver.

"This series comes with a fairly new genre in the Indonesian film industry, namely the supernatural sci-fi. Inspired by my hobby of exploring stories about aliens, but this time I'm trying to explore something about aliens whose origin may not be far from us," said Joko Anwar.

"There are a lot of uniqueness that this series offers and I can't wait to bring it to the audience," he continued.

The Nightmares and Daydreams series tells the story of a mystery that brings together ordinary people from a long time span in an extraordinary situation to save the world.

Nightmares and Days played by Ario Bayu, Asmara Abigail, Marissa Anita, Fachrry Albar, Nirina Zubir, Lukman Sardi, Yoga Pratama, Restu Sinaga, Karina Salim, Kevin Ardilova, Sal Priadi, Poppy Sovia, Ersa Mayori, Rukman Rosadi, Kiki Narendra, Yatti Surachman, Happy Salma, Ayu Laksmi.

Then there are Faqih Alaydrus, Arie Kriting, Teuku Rifnu Wikana, Nungki Kusumastuti, Agnes Naomi, Mike Lucock, Putra Dinata, Mian Tiara, Balgis Achmad, Irgi Achmad Fahrezi, Muzakki Ramdhan, Niken Anjani, Aimee Saras, Justin Adiwinata, Egi Fedly, Haydar Salishz, Natalius Chendana, Agra Piliang, Tora Sudiro.

A number of other names such as Djenar Maesa Ayu, Nazira C. Noer, Ruth Marini, Putri Ayudya, Faradina Mufti, Imelda Therine, Tegar Satrya, Sha Ine Febriyanti, Sita Nursanti, Anne Yasmine, Totos Rasiti, Danang Suryonegoro, Aqi Singgih, Kenes Andari, Kartika Jahja, Lembu Wiworo Jati, and others.

Nightmares and Days will be released on Netflix on June 14.