Windows 10 Support Will End In October 2025, Here's What You Need To Watch Out For

JAKARTA - Wednesday, April 17th, Microsoft announced that official support for Windows 10 will end on October 14, 2025. While Windows 10 is still widely used by businesses, schools, and individuals, this move marks the end of the operating system era that has been a favorite of many users over the years.

The reason behind the termination of support for Windows 10 is Microsoft's push to focus on their latest product, especially Windows 11, which offers more up-to-date features and better performance. In addition, with Microsoft's new products offering stronger security features than Windows 10.

Setelah 14 Oktober 2025, pengguna Windows 10 masih dapat menggunakan sistem operasi ini, tetapi mereka tidak akan menerima pembaruan keamanan, perbaikan bug, atau peningkatan fitur lebih lanjut secara gratis. Untuk tetap mendapatkan update keamanan setelah tanggal tersebut, pengguna perlu membayar untuk Extended Security Updates (ESUS).

The ESUs price is estimated at around 61 US dollars for the first year, 122 US dollars for the second year, and 244 US dollars for the third year for the organization. As for educational institutions, the cost is only 1, 2, and 4 US dollars for the first three years. Information related to the cost of ESUs for private users has yet to be announced, but it is expected to be among the costs for organizations and educational institutions.

What Will Happen If You Don't Use ESU?

For users who choose to continue using Windows 10 after October 2025 without ESUs, security risks will increase. Computers with Windows 10 that do not get security updates are vulnerable to cyber attacks and other security concerns.

Additionally, as software and other hardware continue to grow, Windows 10 will be out of date and users may experience compatibility problems with the latest apps and hardware.

Other Alternatives

If you don't like the ESUs option, users can consider other options such as:

Upgrade to Windows 11: If a computer with Windows 10 meets the minimum requirements for Windows 11, users can choose to upgrade to this latest operating system.

Switching to Another Operating System: For those who want to try a new experience, switching to other operating systems like Linux or MacOS can be an option. While this requires adjustment, switching from Windows 10 to another operating system can provide an exciting new experience.

New Computer Purchase: If a computer with Windows 10 does not meet the requirements for Windows 11 and users don't want to pay for ESUs fees, buying a new computer that is already supported by Windows 11 can be the best option.

Microsoft emphasizes the importance of planning the next step now so that users are not surprised in the future. If you need further assistance or information, it is advisable to contact Microsoft's technical support or seek advice from trusted tech experts.