53 Heirs For SJ 182 Aircraft Victims Sue Boeing Company In Seattle United States

JAKARTA Today, 53 families of victims of the Sriwijaya Air SJ 182 crashed departed for Seattle, United States in stages. They are filing charges against Boeing Company, an airline.

The District Court For the Eastern District of Virginia Alexandria Division has scheduled a hearing in July 2024. Before undergoing trial, a deposition will be carried out first.

The attorney for the victim's family, C. Priaardanto stated that the purpose of arriving in the United States was to undergo a deposition process.

"This stage will provide an overview to the Boeing Company that the heirs are deeply disadvantaged by product defects in SJ 182," he said, Wednesday, April 17.

Since 2021, the case of the Sriwijaya Air plane crash has not been completed. This is because of the delay in the National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC) in investigating cases.

Priaardanto said, based on the results of the investigation into the downing of Sriwijaya Air SJ-182, the NTSC announced the results of the investigation showing that there was a disturbance in the mechanical system on the Jakarta-Pontianak route plane.

"This is an error in one of the aircraft products," he said.

On that basis, his party filed an accountability charge against the victim.

The victim's legal team sued Boeing Company at the District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia Alexandria Division.

"What is being demanded is right. Losses due to children or families of victims. What was originally (the head of the family) paid for cannot be financed," he said.

Meanwhile, Billian Purnama Oktora, Isti Yudha Prastika's older brother, flight attendant SJ 182, admitted that he felt he had the right to ask for compensation for his sister's death.

"We hope that after a long discussion of 2 years, there are still rights that can be accepted by the family," he said.

However, said Billian Purnama Oktora, there are still rights that can be accepted by the heirs.

"There are rights that can be taken from Boeing. Fighting is the right of our family," he said.

Please note, later on to the United States the victim's family will be accompanied by a team of lawyers from the United States, namely Charles Herrmann, Anthony Marsch, and John Herrmann.