Acting Governor Of East Kalimantan Akmal Malik Visits Several Orphanages In Samarinda

JAKARTA - The momentum of Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijriyah is the right time to increase the relationship for fellow Muslims. The Acting Governor of East Kalimantan, Akmal Malik, is no exception.

Accompanied by Yuliana Zubir's wife with her children and close relatives, Akmal Malik visited several orphanages in the City of Banking Samarinda, Wednesday, April 10.

There are six orphanages visited by Acting Governor Akmal with his wife and family, namely the Orphanage of Sharia Blessings Jalan Patimura Gang Umi Kalsum Rapak Dalam Samarinda Seberang. Rumah Lansia dan Yatim Piatu Forum Jalinan I Kalimantan (FJDK) East Kalimantan (FJDK) Jalan AW Syahrani Perum Pondok Alam Indah Blok I Sempaja Barat.

Furthermore, Rahmatullah Islamic Boarding School Jalan Sukorejo, Lempake, North Samarinda. Bunda Utari's Orphanage was fostered by the Kharisma Pertiwi Foundation on Jalan Padat Karya Bengkuring. Aisyiyah Orphanage Siti Khdijah Jalan Merdeka. And finally, Aisyiyah Al-Walidaturrahmah Orphanage Jalan Siradj Salman.

From several orphanages visited, Acting Governor Akmal Malik paid more attention to the Kasih Bunda Utari Orphanage, the Karisma Pertiwi Foundation, whose condition was very sad.

"This is our responsibility, the state and society. Because the foundation's job is to accommodate underprivileged children. So this is our job. I am very sad to see the condition, and have not been able to provide anything, but God willing, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government will help. For me, the state and the government must intervene to help permanently, not just for months," said Akmal Malik when interviewed by the media crew.

Akmal Malik also encourages the concern of leaders and philanthropists to be able to help orphanages that really need more serious treatment, where children who are cared for must be helped.

"We will talk to the mayor, and find a solution so that the conditions in the field are very real for children who experience problems. Like children who are victims of rape and left behind by their parents. That's why God willing, as leaders, we will help. Of course, we also want a helping hand from the philanthropists, that there are our brothers who need our help," said Akmal.

During this visit to the orphanage, Acting Governor Akmal Malik and his wife, apart from staying in touch, also provided compensation to orphans in orphanages.