78,158 Vehicles Through The Trans Sumatra Toll Road During Lebaran Homecoming, Soared 154 Percent

JAKARTA - PT Hutama Karya (Persero) noted, as many as 78,158 vehicles passed on 7 sections of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) at the peak of the 2024 Eid homecoming flow today. This figure shows a significant increase of 154.69 percent of the normal traffic volume (VLL).

This figure is an accumulation of vehicles crossing the Terbanggi Besar-Kayu Agung (Terpeka) Toll Road as many as 23,440 Vehicles or an increase of 229.58 percent from normal VLL.

Then, there were 16,584 vehicles crossing the Palembang-Prabumulih (Palindra & Inprabu) toll road, an increase of 182.75 percent from the normal VLL. Next, vehicles crossing the Bengkulu-Taba Penanjung (Bengtaba) Toll Road amounted to 1,307 vehicles, an increase of 107.74 percent from VLL Normal.

"Vehicles crossing the Pekanbaru-Bangkinang (Pekbang) Toll Road totaled 5,819 vehicles, an increase of 144.14 percent from the normal VLL," said EVP Corporate Secretary of PT Hutama Karya (Persero) Adjib Al Hakim in his official statement, Saturday, April 6.

Meanwhile, vehicles crossing the Pekanbaru-Dumai (Permai) Toll Road reached 18,470 vehicles, an increase of 154.52 percent from normal VLL.

Then, vehicles crossing the Indrapura-Five Pulties (Inkis) were recorded as many as 8,714 vehicles or 124.18 percent higher than normal VLLs.

"Vehicles that cross the Sigli-Banda Aceh (Seulimeum-Baitussalam) (Sibanceh) toll road are 3,824 vehicles, an increase of 139.97 percent from normal VLLs," he said.

Adjib said that his party will continue to inform the latest developments regularly. He also appealed to toll road users to be able to check the condition of the vehicle before driving, ensure its prime condition and not to drive sleepy

"IP and rest when sleepy, ensure that the electronic money card is in good condition and the balance is sufficient before traveling, to avoid vulnerable hours and always agree that safety is number one," he added.