Tips For Cars To Be Comfortable For Lebaran Homecoming

JAKARTA - In addition to using public transportation, not a few people choose to use private cars for Eid homecoming to their hometowns.

A series of vehicle preparations are mandatory, such as checking oils, coolants, filters, tires to sweeping balancing. However, there are still many preparations that can be made to make homecoming trips comfortable and memorable.

"Of course, the long-awaited homecoming moment is hoped that it can be lived comfortably and with a good story. Welcoming the 2024 Eid holiday, Suzuki urges our loyal customers to prepare their cars optimally for a memorable homecoming trip," said Asst to Service Dept Head of PT Suzuki Indomobil Sales, Hariadi, in a statement quoted on Saturday, April 6.

So what are the other important preparations to do? The following is the explanation below.

Make sure the air conditioner is functioning properly

Every four-wheeled user is required to ensure that air conditioner (AC) can function properly, because long trips require comfort so that the family does not feel stressed during the trip. Make sure the AC filter, fan rope and compressor are still functioning properly.

Prepare a clean cabin atmosphere

During the homecoming trip, it is very important to maintain cleanliness and the aroma in the car, because a clean and fragrant car cabin affects comfort and mood during the trip. To prevent the car from the unpleasant aroma that comes from food residue, customers should equip the car cabin with a closed trash can.

Select the appropriate film glass

As is known, the use of appropriate film windows can protect against UV exposure to reduce the risk of crime. For this reason, make sure that in accordance with Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Traffic and Transportation, at the front, you can use film glass with a maximum darkness of 40 percent and on the left and right it can be replaced with a film glass darkness of a maximum of 70 percent.

Enable Auto-Stop Engine Features For Fuel Efficiency

The characteristic of homecoming travel is that traffic is definitely dense which has an impact on fuel consumption. Homecomers who use Suzuki hybrid cars can be calmer at these conditions because the auto-stop engine feature can support more efficient homecoming trips. In sufficient battery capacity conditions, this feature will turn off the engine automatically when the driver stops the car for a while.