Purple Becomes Family And Medicine For The Fifth Personnel

JAKARTA - Basically, a band contains people who have the same musical goals. It's no surprise that the band is seen as a business unit, where personnel can change at any time.

However, this does not apply to the current Ungu personnel. Pasha (vocals), Enda (guitar), Oncy (guitar), Makki (bass), and Rowman (drums) see their band as an inseparable family.

Despite having changed personnel while pursuing a career in the music industry, Ungu has not changed personnel since 2003 and achieved success in 2005.

Even when Pasha decided to enter politics and was elected Deputy Mayor of Palu in 2016, Ungu chose to stay and not change personnel.

"Because we need each other. I think if you say there are only two families, Ungu family and family at home. It's really real that the family is here, "said Pasha in Tendean, South Jakarta, Wednesday, April 3.

Padha menyebut bahwa setiap personel Ungu saat ini memiliki dua keluarga. Jika ada masalah keluarga, setiap personel pasti memilih untuk berkumpul dengan personel lain di base camp mereka.

"No, if there is a problem at home, he will run to Ungu. It's rude, you know. If this Babe is kicked out of the house with his wife, for example, fighting, for example, definitely going to Ungu," said Pasha.

"So it's that simple. Purple is no longer just a friend, but a necessity. Our emotional needs are also here," he continued.

Not only that, when Ungu personnel faced problems at other jobs, they also chose to come to the base camp and make complaints with other personnel.

Pasha said Ungu was a kind of 'drug' for the five personnel.

"In fact, lately we have been more intense because we have planned many concepts of work and made, we just have to wait for the release. Problems also remain, but like it or not, we also have to know, Ungu is also a medicine," said the vocalist.

"Yes, for example Babe is taking care of her label, she is a little dizzy, in Ungu she is gathering, laughing again. So it's medicine, but it's not an escape place," he concluded.