Shopee Facilitates Free Halal Certification, Check Out How To Register
JAKARTA - Shopee officially facilitates the application for Halal Certification for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia through Shopee Barokah. In this case, Shopee collaborates with the Halal Product Guarantee Administration Agency (BPJPH).
Executive Director of Shopee Indonesia Handhika Jahja said this facilitation was carried out to support MSME players to get a halal certificate before the implementation of mandatory halal starting October 18, 2024.
"Starting April 3, 2024, Seller Center Shopee has been integrated with the SIHAL BPJPH system which can be used to apply for Halal Certification," he said after signing the MoU with BPJPH at the Shopee Office, Jakarta, Wednesday, April 3.
"We hope that the presence of the halal Shopee facilitation will help make it easier for MSMEs to get halal certification," he continued.
To apply for it, business actors can start registering Halal Certification by accessing the Seller Center Shopee.
Quoted from the official website, there are two types of halal certification offered. First, regular halal certification. Where, the registration process through this route will be charged.
Some required documents that must be completed, namely:
1. Application letter
2. Registration form
3. Illegal aspect: NIB
4. Halal Survey Document (SK Determination of Halal Investigators; Copy of KTP; Life History List).
5. List of product names
6. List of products and materials used
7. SJPH Manual
8. Circular or SLHS (not mandatory).
Here are the steps to apply for a Regular Halal Certificate:
1. Sebelum mendaftar, pastikan pelaku usaha memiliki email aktif dan NIB Berbasis Risiko (jika belum, silakan daftar atau migrasi NIB melalui
2. Pelaku usaha membuat akun, kemudian mengajukan permohonan Sertifikat Halal dengan mengisikan data dan meng-upload dokumen persyaratan melalui: (SIHALAL).
3. BPJPH (Halal Product Guarantee Administration Agency) verifies the suitability of data and the completeness of application documents.
4. LPH (Halal Inspection Institute) calculates, stipulates, and charges for examination at SIHALAL.
5. Business actors make payments and upload proof of payment (format.pdf) on SIHALAL.
6. BPJPH verifies payments and issues STTD (Receipt Document Certificate) on SIHALAL.
7. LPH conducts an inspection process (audit) and uploads the Examination Report on SIHALAL.
8. The MUI Fatwa Commission conducted a Fatwa Session and uploaded a Halal Decree on SIHALAL.
9. BPJPH issues a Halal Certificate.
10. Business actors download halal certificates on SIHAL if their status is "Terbit SH".
Second, free halal certification (SEHATI). SEHATI is a free halal certification registration program provided by BPJPH.
List of requirements that must be completed, namely:
1. Products are not risky or use materials that have been confirmed to be halal.
2. The production process is confirmed to be halal and simple.
3. Have a Business Identification Number (NIB).
4. Have maximum annual sales (omzet) results. IDR 500,000,000 as evidenced by an independent statement.
5. Have a location, place, and tools for the Halal Product Process (PPH) that are separate from the location, place and tool of the product process are not halal.
6. Have or do not have a distribution permit (PIRT/MD/UMOT/UKOT), a Sanitation Higiene Laik Certificate (SLHS) for food/drink products with a storage capacity of less than 7 days, or other industrial permits for products generated from related agencies/agencies.
7. Products produced in the form of goods.
8. Not using hazardous materials.
9. The materials used have been confirmed halal.
How come it is proven with a halal certificate.
Included In The List Of Materials According To The Decree Of The Minister Of Religion Number 1360 Of 2021 Regarding Materials Excepted From Halal Certificate Obligations
10. It has been verified halalness by the companion of the halal product process.
11. Types of products/products certified halal do not contain animal elements resulting from slaughter, unless they come from animal manufacturers / slaughterhouses / poultry slaughterhouses that have been certified halal.
12. Using production equipment with simple technology or done manually and/or semi-automaticly (homemade businesses are not factory businesses).
13. The product preservation process is simple and does not use a combination of more than 1 preservative method.
14. Bersedia melengkapi dokumen pengajuan certifikasi halal dengan mekanisme pernyataan mandiri secara online melalui SIHAL.
The flow of the registration process for free halal certification (SEHATI):
1. Business actors
How to create an account via
Badminton Prepares Halal Certificate Application data, and selects PPH companion
Badminton Complementing application data with PPH assistants
Badminton Apply for a halal certificate with the statement of business actors through SIHAL
2. Assistance to the Halal Product Process (PPH) PPH Companion verifies and validates the statements of business actors (10 days).
BPJPH verifies and validates the system for the report on the results of the assistance of the halal product process
Badminton Issues STTD (Receipt Document Certificate)
4. Fatwa Committee for Halal Products
Receiving a report on the results of the assistance of the halal product process which has been verified systemally by BPJPH and conducted a fatwa hearing to determine the halalness of the product (1 day).
Drink Accept the halalness of the product.
Badminton Issues halal certificates.
The process is one day.
6. Business actors
Badminton Downloads halal certificates via SIHAL
Badminton Downloading national halal labels to include product padg