Ways To Improve Quality Of Life That Can Extend Life

JAKARTA - In addition to adjusting your diet and exercising, there are several guaranteed ways to make your body free from toxins that have been lurking. If the body is free from toxins, then the opportunity to live longer can be realized because the body can be protected from all kinds of diseases.

Quit smoking

After 12 hours, the nicotine is gone from your body. After five days the remaining nicotine from cigarettes has disappeared. But if you are still having trouble getting rid of this bad habit, try following these tips. Usually, active smokers who want to quit will use candy as a substitute for cigarettes.

If you still find it difficult to quit even after using cigarettes, try changing to chewing apples so that your mouth remains 'busy'. Look for really compelling reasons so that your intention to quit is not easily swayed, then don't throw the ashes of the cigarette in the ashtray so you can see how many cigarettes you have smoked.

Also, don't carry cigarettes and matches with you so that later you can get used to living without cigarettes.

Increase consumption of Omega-3 substances

You can get them from nuts, seeds, and fish, as well as omega-6 which are found in sunflower seed oil, sesame oil, and soybeans. Both of these substances can reduce the risk of many diseases in women who lead unhealthy lives such as smoking, eating carelessly, lack of sleep, stress, and drinking alcohol.

Omega-3s can lower the risk of heart disease because they can lower blood pressure, reduce heart attacks and strokes, and maintain a normal heart rate. Apart from that, this substance also reduces your stress levels.

So, if you are facing a lot of deadlines, consume more foods that contain this substance.

Protein can improve your emotions

Protein is very important to eat every day even though your body doesn't need it as much as carbohydrates and vegetables. Experts recommend that you consume milk every day because protein-rich foods like meat are sometimes very high in calories and fat.

If you eat meat, it should be cooked by steaming or grilling rather than frying. To compensate for the protein that enters the body, remember to always eat vegetables and fruits that are rich in antioxidants to protect the body from exposure to chemicals that can damage body cells.

Do not sleep too late

The quality of sleep will greatly affect your body. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a day. Try to get quality sleep, because quality sleep can rejuvenate the function of body cells and improve the body's metabolic function.

If you wake up frequently at night and even though you feel that you have had enough sleep but still feel tired during the day, it means that you have poor quality sleep. If you experience insomnia, try to drink milk before bed and turn off your devices and TV, and lights to create a calm atmosphere. If you get enough sleep, your body will be more refreshed and your brain will be clear again.