Reasons For Unmitigated Students To Participate In Scout Eskul
YOGYAKARTA Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Makarim removed Scout activities as extracurricularly mandatory for school. Thus, schools or students are allowed not to participate in Scout activities. So what is the reason why students are not obliged to join the Scout Eskul?
Please note, the revocation of Scouts as an extracurricular activity is mandatory for schools in line with the issuance of Permendikbud Number 12 of 2024 concerning Curriculum in Early Childhood Education, Basic Education Levels, and Secondary Education Levels.
Previously, Scouts were outside of school activities that students had to participate in, listed in Permendikbud Number 63 of 2014.
"When this Ministerial Regulation comes into effect: h. Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 63 of 2014 concerning Leadership Education as Mandatory Extracurricular to Basic Education and Secondary Education is revoked and declared invalid," reads Article 34 Chapter V of the Closing Provisions of Permendikbudristek Number 12 of 2024.
The reason that Scout Eskul is not obliged to be followed by students is revealed by the Head of the Standard Agency, Curriculum, and Education Assessment at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Anindito Aditomo. He explained that the Minister of Education and Culture No. 12 of 2024 only strengthens the laws and regulations in placing the importance of out-of-school activities in educational units.
The rules made by the Minister of Education and Technology, Nadiem Makarim, revised the Leadership Education section of the Block Model, which initially required the camp to be unmitigated.
"However, if the education unit will hold a camp, then it will still be allowed," said Anindito in a press statement, Monday, April 1.
He also emphasized that the participation of students in both Scouts and other extracurricular is voluntary. This is as referring to the rules that state that scout movements are independent, voluntary, and nonpolitical.
"UU 12/2010 states that the scout movement is independent, voluntary, and nonpolitical. In line with this, Permendikbudristek 12/2024 regulates that student participation in extracurricular activities, including Scouts, is voluntary," he said again.
Apart from Scouts, there are several activities that are included in the extracurricular, namely as follows.
Activities that include crafts such as face-to-face, Student Leadership Training (LKS), Youth Red Cross (PMR), Flag-raising Troops (Paskibra), and so on.
Activities that include, such as Youth Scientific Activities (KIR), or scientific mastery activities and so on.
Examples of activities that come in such as sports, arts, nature lovers, engineering, and so on.
Some activities that enter, such as flash pesantren, reading training write the Koran, and so on.
Participation of students in extracurricular activities will be assessed and described into the report card. Meanwhile, the success criteria will include the process and the results of the ex-comptive competence achievements they follow.
The elimination of Scout activities as an extracurricular must reap debate, including from the Indonesian House of Representatives. The DPR said Minister Nadiem was going too far to remove Scouts from mandatory extracurricular.
Apart from the reasons why students are not obliged to join the Pramuka eskul, visit to get other interesting information.