Getting To Know The Scout Movement According To Its Levels, What-Based Groups?

YOGYAKARTA - Scouts are extracurricular activities that are always present in schools. Scout membership is grouped based on the age level of each student. There are four groups that are distinguished in the form of the Scout movement level, namely Alert, Raiser, and Enforcement, and Pandega.

Each level in Scouts has different rules. The higher the level, the greater the responsibility given is also greater. Scout members at the Pandega level will undergo heavier and more challenging tasks.

Students who have just joined Scout activities will be included in the level according to their age and abilities. As one of the interesting extracurricular and important insights, let's get to know the Scout movement by its level.

In the Scout movement, membership will be divided into four groups. Standby Scouts are filled by members aged 7 to 10 years. The raiser Scouts consist of students aged 11 to 15 years. Enforcement Scouts contain the age group 16-20 years. Pandemic Scouts are the highest for the group 21 to 25 years.

In addition to the group level above, Scouts are also like organizations in general that have special groups for members who have positions and surfaces. There are several special groups in Scouts, including Pramuka Pembina, Pramuka Andalan, Pamong Saka, Coach, Kwartir Staff, and the Advisory Council.

The level in Scouts is not only divided into age factors, but also in groups according to the level of the ability of its members. The ability of Scout members is seen based on the requirements of General Skills and SKU.

In the Scout Group Standby and the raisers each have three levels. There are two levels for Enforcement scouters. While Pandemic Scouts only have one level. The following is the division of levels based on groups in Scouts:

In addition to these levels, there are also special levels called Garuda Scouts. This level is the highest in each level group in the presurface movement.

The Scout Movement is a name for mentioning the activities of the Scout organization. Scouts are a non-formal organization that carries out face/guide education for each member in it.

Before entering 1961, there used to be many guided organizations in Indonesia. There are approximately tens to hundreds of organizations with the same concentration in the country. Some of them are Indonesian People's Guidelines (PRI), Hezbul Wathan (WH), Indonesian National Guidelines (KBI), Wira Tamtama, and others.

However, currently all existing guided organizations have been merged into 1 in the Scout movement. Scout activities are carried out with various activities that are educational, fun, healthy, directed, directed, practical, and interesting. Scout activities are carried out outdoors, but also use indoor places at certain times.

The task of the Scout Movement has been regulated in Article 5 of the Article II Article AD/ART, which reads as follows:

That's a review of getting to know the Scout movement according to the level. Scouts are very important suggestions to shape a student's character and independence. The activities in Scouts train students to be responsible, skilled, working together, persistent, and so on. The House of Representatives criticized Nadiem Makarim for removing Scouts from school-respondent exkuls.

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