Is It True That Women Are More Difficult To Lose Weight? Here's The Explanation
When it comes to women and men, of course, we will work together with trust and information about it. One of them is about efforts to lose weight and maintain weight. Is it true that women have more difficulty losing weight? Let's discuss here!
Many believe that in terms of losing weight, men's efforts tend to produce more results to obtain ideal weight. Meanwhile, women must accept the fact that losing weight requires extra effort.
Even though it has reduced the amount of consumption if and does many physical activities such as exercise, women still complain about weight that has not been reduced. Even though it sounds unfair and disappointing for women, unfortunately this assumption could be true.
This is because a lot of research has been done in this regard. One of them is research that asks groups of fat women and fat men to take a different diet. The research, which was conducted in 2014, then asked the participants to start controlling their diet and exercise. After 2 months, the men actually experienced a significant amount of weight shrinkage compared to women.
Then why did this happen? What are the aspects that cause the weight loss process in men and women to be different?
1. Differences in Hormones
Not only body shape, matters located inside the body are also aspects that can distinguish the weight reduction process. One of them is hormones. Men and women have very different levels and layers of hormones.
Women turn out to contain testosterone hormones up to 15-20 percent lower than men have. Meanwhile, these hormones function important and can stimulate the formation of fat burning and muscle manufacturing.
On the other hand, in fact, women's bodies contain estrogen and progesterone greater than men. According to research from Yale University, this hormone contributes to increasing the appetite for a person.
2. Body shape
One thing that is of course and clearly visible is the difference in body shape in women and men. And in fact, this disorder also affects the body's ability to burn fat. That is, there are differences in the metabolic process that takes place in the body of a man and a female body.
Physically, men usually have a bigger body and more muscles. This structure makes the metabolism in men's bodies faster. Unfortunately, women must accept the fact that their bodies do not have similar conditions. This makes it in some cases that women must work hard to lose weight by men only doing half to get the same results.
3. Body Composition
Basically, women and men have different compositions of bodies. This means that the substances that compose and exist in the bodies of women and men are different types, forms and numbers.
Women naturally have more body fat than men. Especially fats located near the hips and thighs. Moreover, fat is an important substance in fertility so it is almost impossible and not easy for women to get rid of it.
Not only that, the body's condition also encourages women to'maintain' more fat in the body. Like when after giving birth or after entering the menopause period. Generally women will get more fat at times like this.
But women don't need to be discouraged. Even though it's difficult but that doesn't mean there's absolutely no possibility of being able to maintain an ideal body weight. Running a healthy lifestyle and diet is one of the businesses that can be tried. Keep up girls!
In addition to this to motivate and support women, read: Things You Must Avoid When You Want To Get Weighter.
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