Jayapura Police Arrest 3 Thief Students 25 Laptops At Yapis Waena Middle School

Jayapura - Jayapura City Police arrested three of the four students suspected of theft of electronic goods as many as 25 laptop units at SMP Pembangunan V Yapis Waena, Heram District, Jayapura City, Papua.

Jayapura City Police Chief Kombes Victor Mackbon said the three students arrested were MA (16), KM (14) and PB (14), while students Y are still running away.

"It is true that Y managed to escape and is still being sought," said Viktor Mackbon, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, April 1.

From the reports received, it was revealed that the incident on Saturday (30/3) was arrested by MA alias Agung who admitted to police investigators that he had stolen the electronic goods along with three of his colleagues, namely KM, PB and Y.

From the confessions of the perpetrators on Saturday morning (28/3), the four students who were consuming liquor in the school environment, at around 01.00 WIT entered the computer laboratory by destroying the door and taking school inventory items in the form of 25 Acer laptop units and a Fahrenheit brand speaker unit.

The school then reported the theft that occurred at the Junior High School Pembangunan V Yapis Waenake Heram Police, so that the case was investigated and arrested the perpetrators.

"Investigators are still investigating the three perpetrators and are trying to secure the stolen evidence again," said Jayapura City Police Chief Kombes Victor Mackbon without revealing whether the three junior high school students or other school students were students.