Commemorating Nuzulul Qur'an, The Indonesian Consul General In Sydney Invites Indonesian Diaspora To Strengthen Gathering And Put Personal Ego Aside

JAKARTA - The Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Sydney, Australia Vedi Kurnia Buana emphasized the importance of strengthening friendship and putting aside personal egos, when holding the commemoration of Nuzulul Qur'an 1445 H Thursday.
Consul General Vedi said the commemoration of Nuzulul Qur'an gave meaning in strengthening faith, as well as strengthening friendship and togetherness between brothers and sisters.
"It is important to commemorate Nuzulul Qur'an not only in strengthening our faith, but also to be able to realize the friendship between our brothers and sisters," said Consul General Vedi in his remarks opening the commemoration at the Indonesian Consulate General in Sydney Thursday night, citing a statement from the Indonesian Consulate General in Sydney, Friday, March 29.
Through the commemoration of Nuzulul Qur'an this time, continued Consul General Vedi, the diaspora and the Indonesian community in Australia should be able to dig up a lot of inspiration to rule out personal egos, groups and groups.
"On the other hand, it should be directed to strengthen our togetherness," continued Consul General Vendi.
Meanwhile, H. Dr. Rahmawan Oktavianto Lc. MA in his tausiah conveyed two important things to serve as rights guidelines in implementing daily life.
"First we have to try to understand the contents of the Qur'an. But it doesn't just arrive at studying the translation of the Qur'an alone. To understand Islamic teachings, of course what must be done is to understand how to read the Qur'an itself, then increase to study other interpretations of the sciences of the Qur'an, "explained Dr. Rahmawan.
It is known that the commemoration of Nuzulul Qur'an 1445 H at the Indonesian Consulate General in Sydney this time began with the Koran, attended by a number of Islamic community organizations in Sydney, the Indonesian Student Association and the community.