NTB Ombudsman Finds Violations Of Maladministration Of P3K Recruitment For Bima Regency Government 2023

The Ombudsman Representative of West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB) found procedural irregularities in the selection of Government Employees with Work Agreements (P3K) for Functional Positions for Agricultural Extensions in Bima Regency for the 2023 fiscal year.

The Head of the NTB Ombudsman Representative Office, Dwi Sudarsono, said that he received a report on the alleged mall-administration of procedural irregularities from the Bima Regency P3K Pansel for the 2023 fiscal year for a special formation for Agricultural Extensions.

"The report on the alleged procedural deviation is related to the validation of additional mandatory requirements and competency certificates as an addition to the technical competency selection value for the procurement of PPPK for the Functional Position of Agricultural Extension for Bima Regency 2023," he said in Mataram, NTB, Thursday, March 28, confiscated by Antara.

He explained, the decision of Menpan RB Number 650 of 2023 concerning Additional Mandatory Requirements and Competency Certification as an addition to the technical competency selection value in the procurement of first aid for functional positions regulates in the procurement of first aid, there are types of functional positions that require additional mandatory requirements and competency certificates as additional value of technical competency selection.

To obtain this additional value, the Agricultural Extension P3K selection participants require a professional certificate issued by the Professional Certification Institute (LSP) of the Ministry of Agriculture's Agricultural Training Center (Kementan).

The NTB Ombudsman representative found the error of the Bima Regency P3K selection committee in validating the certificate for the first aid selection participant. The P3K Pansel validates the selection participant training certificate which was not issued by the Ministry of Agriculture's Agricultural Training Center LSP.

Instead, the P3K Pansel validates an ordinary training certificate that does not comply with the Decree of the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Number 650 of 2023.

The NTB Ombudsman representative has confirmed the training certificate and competency certificate to the Ministry of Agriculture's Agricultural Training Center LSP through a zoom meeting last month which was also attended by BKD representatives and Bima Regency Training and Training Education as the Bima Regency P3K Selection Committee.

The Ombudsman Examining Team found proof of the certificate shown by the Bima Regency P3K Selection Committee in the zoom meeting not in accordance with the provisions of the Decree of the Menpan RB Number 650 of 2023.

In the zoom meeting, the Bima Regency P3K Pansel showed the form of a training certificate belonging to one of the participants who passed the selection to the Ombudsman Examination Team and the Ministry of Agriculture Training Center LSP. The P3K Pansel stated that the participant certificate was valid so that the selection participants obtained an additional value of 112.5 (a affirmation) and passed the selection.

The participants in the first P3K selection with the 5th serial number were declared to have passed the selection and shifted the participants (Reporters) who occupied the first sequence number, because the complainant did not have a competency certificate.

The zoom meeting participants from the Ministry of Agriculture's Agricultural Training Center LSP stated that the certificate shown by the P3K selection committee was not a certificate issued by the LSP of the Ministry of Agriculture Training Center. Even the LSP also stated that the certificate shown by the P3K Pansel was not in accordance with the provisions in the attachment to the Menpan RB Decree.

Following up on these findings, the NTB Ombudsman has submitted corrective suggestions in the Examination Result Report (LHP) since last month to the Regent of Bima Regency as the supervisor and person in charge of PPPK Bima Regency for the 2023 Fiscal Year to immediately follow up on these findings by referring to the relevant regulations.

The error in validating certificates in the selection of P3K in Bima Regency 2023 is suspected not only to occur in one reporter, but also to other participants. The negligence of the P3K Pansel is very detrimental to participants and if it is not repaired it has the potential to repeat itself.

Provisions of Article 33 paragraph (3) of the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Number 14 of 2023 concerning the Procurement of P3K for functional positions state that Applicants can be given an addition to the selection value of Technical Competency if they have a competency certificate and/or other provisions set by the Minister.

In addition, the provisions of Article 39 paragraph (1), paragraph (2), and paragraph (3) letter d of the Regulation of Menpan RB Number 14 of 2023 concerning Procurement of P3K for functional positions state that in the event that applicants have passed by PPK, but in the future do not meet other requirements, PPK can propose a replacement of applicants to the Chairperson of the National Panselnas to get a replacement.

Until now, the NTB Ombudsman Representative has not received any information, the Regent of Bima and the Bima Regency P3K Pansel responded to the correction action in the LHP. Furthermore, the NTB Ombudsman Representative will write a letter to monitor corrective suggestions to the BKN, Regent and Pansel P3K of Bima Regency 2023.