UNJ Speaks Up About TIP Cases In The Mode Of The Internship Program In Germany

JAKARTA - One of the well-known state campuses in East Jakarta feels aggrieved by the emergence of cases of the Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) mode of internship programs or ferry jobs in Germany. Moreover, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police has named 5 suspects related to this TIP case.

Five suspects including 3 women and two men. Female suspects, namely ER alias EW (39), A alias AE (37) and AJ (52). While the male suspects, initials AS (65) and MZ (60).

Two of the five suspects are currently still in Germany (ER and A). Some of the suspects are on campus. Related to this, one of the campuses in East Jakarta, namely the State University of Jakarta (UNJ) has begun to speak out regarding the TIP case.

UNJ spokesman Syaifudin said that related to the issue of the international internship program in Germany which was relaxed by PT SHB and CVGEN which resulted in at least 33 universities in Indonesia being victims of this non-procedural internship program, of course this is a concern in the world of Indonesian education.

According to him, this is certainly a lesson for educational institutions both at school and at college, which needs to be wary of internship offers from certain companies. Of course, he continued, in the development in the media that the international internship program in Germany is indicated as TIP.

"UNJ emphasized that there was no intention from the campus to violate the law, let alone matters related to TIP. The international internship program in Germany carried out by UNJ is purely for academic purposes in order to succeed in MBKM (Merdeka Belajar - Merdeka Campus)," he told VOI, Tuesday, March 26.

Furthermore, Syaifudin said, the UNJ Internationalization program is to create UNJ graduates who are globally competitive.

"The world of work is currently very competitive and we must also remember that there is a vision of Indonesia's gold in 2045 which emphasizes and emphasizes the importance of global competitive human resources," he said.

Syaifudin explained that UNJ did not do anything that violated the law or the criminal act of trafficking in persons (TPPO). He said that UNJ with other universities was a victim of violations of procedures committed by PT SHB or CVGEN.

"UNJ hopes that this issue can be seen in terms of justice and an objective side of the legal process carried out by the police," he said.

Previously, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police gave an ultimatum to include two of the five suspects in the criminal case of trafficking in persons or TIP mode of the internship program or ferryjob on the wanted list (DPO).

The warning was delivered because the two suspects, ER alias EW and A alias AE, were scheduled to provide information, Wednesday, March 27.

"We will summon the second two German suspects to attend tomorrow morning. Most likely they will not attend and later if they are not present we will issue a DPO," said the Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandani Rahardjo Puro, Tuesday, March 26.

Regarding the DPO issuance process, investigators are said to be coordinating with the International Relations Division or Hubinter.

The two suspects are known to have different roles. For ER alias EW, it is in charge of collaborating and signing the MoU PT SHB. In addition, promising Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds obtained by the university.

Meanwhile, suspect A alias AE played a role in presenting the ferryjob program to universities. Then, convince the students to take part in the internship program.

Meanwhile, the other three suspects, SS, AJ and MJ are still under investigation. However, for certain reasons they were decided not to be detained.

"We are currently in the process of investigating, with various considerations, we have not detained the 3 people and we are obliged to report until now," said Djuhandani.

The TIP case in the internship program mode was uncovered after four students who were victims came to the Indonesian Embassy in Germany. They told what was experienced.

The Indonesian Embassy also traced the internship program in question. It turns out that there are 33 universities in Indonesia that also run the program. It was recorded that around 1,047 students had departed.

The internship program is known to be completed by PT CVGEN and PT SHB. The two companies promised students an internship in Germany.

However, they were asked to pay Rp150 thousand and 150 euros. The reason is the cost of making a letter of acceptance (LOA) to PT SHB.

Not only that, they were also asked to pay another 200 Euros to PT SHB. Its designation is the creation of an approval of the German authorities or working permit.

In fact, students who want to take part in the internship program are also charged Rp. 30-50 million as bailouts.

Apparently, the students were employed non-procedurally. Thus, they are explored by the actions of the suspects.