OIKN On Nusantara Development: We Study From Jakarta, Don't Let Local Culture Disappear

The Capital Authority of the Archipelago (OIKN) emphasized that the development of the City of the Archipelago is surrounded by a sustainable indigenous society. "We do, efforts to liven up local wisdom (local wisdom) in the city of the archipelago," said Deputy for Social Culture and Community Empowerment OIKN Alimuddin in Penajam, Monday, March 25, confiscated by Antara. Indigenous people are given space to preserve culture through a living museum, he continued, as well as becoming cultural tourism in the city of the archipelago. The museum of life history can be an attraction for immigrants to find out more in indigenous communities in the archipelago, telling stories or describing life from ancient times and local wisdom. Indigenous people are also given a portion so that they can be involved in the city of the archipelago, according to him, such as providing training to improve skills together with other local residents.

"We learn from Jakarta, don't let local culture disappear and how to organize local residents so they don't get evicted," he said.

Sepanjang lahan adalah permukiman warga, tidak ada penggusuran, ucapnya. Namun bakal ditata karena Kota Nusantara harus rapi, nyaman, dan asri.Ia mengatakan masyarakat adat dan warga lokal tetap berada di wilayahnya dan dilibatkan dalam pembangunan dan perkembangan Kota Nusantara.Di kawasan Kota Nusantara terdapat masyarakat adat, antara lain di Kecamatan Sepaku, Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara ada masyarakat adat Paser Balik, dan di Kecamatan Loa Kulu, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, ada masyarakat adat Dayak.OIKN, kata dia, menjamin masyarakat adat dan warga lokal lainnya yang ada di kawasan Kota Nusantara tidak bakal tergusur."Konsep Kota Nusantara adalah kota dunia yang dikelilingi dengan masyarakat adat yang tetap lestari," kata Alimuddin.