Prabowo Reveals The Purpose Of Meeting Surya Paloh At The NasDem Headquarters

JAKARTA - President-elect Prabowo Subianto met with the General Chair of the NasDem Party Surya Paloh at the NasDem Party DPP Office in Gondangdia, Jakarta, Friday, March 22. Prabowo revealed his visit to NasDem headquarters to express his appreciation and gratitude for the congratulations delivered by Surya Paloh after the announcement of the results of the 2024 presidential election by the KPU. "Once the KPU appointed Prabowo Subianto as the elected president and Gibran Rakabuming Raka as the elected vice president as the result of the 2024 presidential election, Mr. General Chairperson NasDem Surya Paloh immediately congratulated him. And to honor the remarks I came and was accepted today at the NasDem Party headquarters," Prabowo said at NasDem Tower, Friday, March 22. According to the General Chairperson of Gerindra, Surya Paloh's attitude shows that Indonesia's democracy is now mature. "Of course we understand that there are many shortcomings, we still have to improve but this is the process of nation's development," Prabowo said. Seeing the geopolitical and geoeconomics of the world, the Minister of Defense believes that Indonesia will become a strong country. On the condition that the elite of the nation wants to cooperate. "The cooperation between leaders is very important and this is what is demanded by our people," said Prabowo. "I went around during the campaign, I felt vibrations from the people, the spotlight of the people, the people's atmosphere wanted a harmonious leader," he continued. Prabowo emphasized that, the competition and the competition would be good but after that we have to reunite. "It's time for us to work together, we work together to build our nation. That's the most important thing," concluded the former Danjen Kopassus.