Ready To Coordinate With The AGO Regarding The LPEI Corruption Case, The KPK Will Discuss This

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) plans to coordinate with the Attorney General's Office (AGO) regarding the alleged corruption of the Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI). They will ask for information looking for slices of cases handled, one of which is related to the company receiving the financing.

It is known that the anti-corruption commission stated that it had raised allegations of corruption in LPEI from investigation to investigation. However, at the same time the AGO also received the same case report from the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani.

"Well, that needs to be coordinated. At yesterday's Prosecutor's Office, there were several companies, whether there was a slice of what was reported by the KPK," said KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata to reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday, March 20.

"The KPK ensures that it will invite the AGO to carry out investigations in similar cases," said Alexander. Provided, the two do not overlap with each other.

"If the company is different, it could be, for example, regarding many companies, we will coordinate. We will distribute it later, how many companies will the KPK will be," he said.

"But if it is related to LPEI, we will not be able to release it because in providing credit there are roles from LPEI, LPEI management," continued Alexander.

Alexander said that investigations at his institution were more focused on the state-owned company. "We will see, for example, what is the mechanism. What is the standard operating procedure or SOP... at LPEI in disbursing credit," he said.

It is also confirmed that the KPK is not scrambling in handling the case. Alexander said, this handling had been carried out since last year or precisely after receiving public reports and an investigation was carried out.

"In principle, the synergy of law enforcement officers is very important and helps accelerate the handling of cases," said the former judge.

Previously reported, the KPK said that LPEI had made the state lose up to Rp766,705,455,000 from financing PT PE. It is suspected that corruption occurred when the state-owned company financed it.

This state loss began with the provision of export working capital loans (KMKE) by LPEI. However, the process was carried out less carefully and did not pay attention to the condition of the debtor.