7 Tips So That Your Face Is Not Amazed, It Is Also Important To Recognize The Cause

YOGYAKARTA Musam face does not shine, it can be caused by a number of factors. Because the skin is considered the largest 'organ', it is important to recognize the cause of dull face. First, research shows that drinking less water causes unhealthy skin. This is because moisturizing the skin from the inside is as important as applying regular skin moisturizer. The cause of other dull facial skin, due to cigarette smoke and aging. Given the various factors, follow the tips for taking care of your face so that it is not dull below.

Weakness is the key in caring for facial skin. Tsipopora Shainhous' advice, MD., FAAD., reported by Healthline, Wednesday, March 20, avoid using harsh facial products and cause irritation, small rips, redness, and peel skin. Skincare usage rules also need to be followed. Starting from wearing a cleaner, then apply moisturizer followed by sunscreen.

Exposure to the skin or exfoliation is important. The goal is to remove dead skin cells that accumulate in the outermost layer of the skin which causes the face to look dull, dry, and scaly.

Exfoliation also increases cell change and stimulates collagen production. This activity, only effective, is carried out twice a week. It can increase the frequency depending on how facial skin tolerates it. Also make sure to choose the most appropriate exfoliation method, either using a scrub or using a chemical formula such as AHA and BHA.

Face serum contains formula ingredients with high concentrations that help overcome various complaints. Including moisturizing, brightening, and reducing signs of aging. Serum also absorbs faster in the skin. So it is enough to apply once or twice a day. Shainhouse recommends serum that can overcome dull faces containing vitamin C, vitamin B3 or niacinamide, ferruletic acid, and resveratrol.

Routinely every week wearing a face mask, is another way to make your facial skin shine. Use a mask that contains antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, shea butter, and other ingredients that hydrate and brighten.

As stated in the opening paragraph, that wearing a moisturizer is a key to fresh and moist facial skin. You just wear it twice a day, which Shainhouse recommends contain ceramide, hyaluronic acid and glycerin to tighten the skin, and petroleum and demeticons that prevent skin moisture from decreasing.

Retinoids help peel old skin cells and bring new skin cells fresh to the surface. This material also smooths out and thins the top layer of the cell. To get started, Shainhouse recommends implementing retinoid treatments twice at night a week. Then it can increase its frequency when your skin is used to this material.

No less important than moisturizers, serums, masks, and other skincare. Wearing sunscreen helps prevent dull facial skin due to exposure to UV light.

The seven tips so that the face is not dull above, you need to do it regularly. In addition to gentle care, it is also important to get enough nutritional intake to improve the skin from the inside.