KPK Proposes Prohibition Rules For Distribution Of Social Assistance Ahead Of Pilkada

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) proposed that regulations be made to prohibit the distribution of social assistance (bansos) ahead of the regional head elections (pilkada). This is because it is feared that the gift could be politicized.

"It's better, maybe through the regional regulation or whatever, or the Ministry of Home Affairs actually. Maybe it's so that two months before the election there won't be social assistance distribution and so on," said KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata at the 2024 Regional Corruption Prevention and Launch National Coordination Meeting. MCP 2024 at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, Wednesday, March 20.

"Stop it, I'm afraid it was politicized," he continued.

Alexander asked all parties to monitor the budget for the provision of social assistance in every democratic party. "Just check first if there is an increase in the budget? When there is a significant increase, we will see if it has anything to do with incumbents who may run for themselves or relatives," he said.

Alexander reminded that social assistance should not be politicized. Do not let incumbents use it to win themselves or relatives who are candidates in the election.

Because this can lead to injustice for other election participants. However, he did not want to mention that this statement was made because he saw the condition of the 2024 presidential election.

The community, continued Alexander, could actually judge for themselves the conditions that occurred. It's not fair if the incumbent or relatives then run for office then carry out campaigns using social assistance and so on," he said.

Meanwhile, Inspector General of the Ministry of Home Affairs Tomsi Tohir, who was present at the event, said that an appeal would be conveyed to local governments in an effort to prevent the distribution of social assistance during the stages of the pilkasa campaign. Meanwhile, the matter of the rules will be submitted to each other.

"Regarding regional regulations, regional heads and DPRD made it. If we are at the center, there is a long process," concluded Tomsi.