KSP Indosurya Founder Dies, Alvin Lim Still Condolences
JAKARTA Had been an opponent at the court, Alvin Lim still expressed his condolences for the death of Surya Effendy, the founder of the Indosurya Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP), Saturday, March 16, 2024.
It is known, Surya Effendy was caught in a case of alleged fraudulent investment which had cost as many as 24,000 victims with a total loss of Rp106 trillion.
Not only that, Surya Effendy is suspected of being involved in a money laundering crime involving PT Indosurya Intifinance LP 0204.
In this case, Surya Effendy's son, Henry Surya, has been named a suspect.
"During his life, Surya Effendy was known as a figure who lived a luxurious life with high mobility and large asset ownership. When he died, he entered the house 1x2 meters and was escorted by a hearse," said Alvin Lim on Sunday, March 17.
"The wealth and power in the world will bring nothing in the hereafter, and that the only way to avoid Allah's anger is to correct mistakes and apologize to the victims," he added.
Therefore, he called on other 'thief investment criminals' to repent and return the losses suffered by the victims.
"In difficult situations, truth and justice must remain the main guides, so that past mistakes can be a valuable lesson for all of us," said Alvin Lim.
"My deepest condolences for the death of Surya Effendy, which we reported in the money laundering crime of PT Indosurya Intifinance LP 0204. The report has named a suspect on behalf of Henry Surya again as a suspect and other reported parties are still under investigation, including Surya Effendy," he added.