Helping Pekalongan Flood Victims, Police Also Guard Residents' Houses To Prevent Criminal Action Amid Disasters

Personnel from the Samapta Directorate of the Central Java Police were dispatched to assist flood victims due to overflowing water from PT. Hardeses Reservoir in Wangondowo Village, Bojong District, Pekalongan Regency, Central Java, Thursday, February 14. Not only that, the police are also guarding to prevent criminal acts in the midst of disasters.

Kasubdit Gassum Samapta Polda Central Java, AKBP Sumantri said that as many as 21 personnel were assigned to clean and help evacuate flood victims' belongings to a safe place.

Meanwhile, the Director of Samapta of the Central Java Police, Kombes Risto Samodra, explained that the Central Java Police Directorate of Samapta is coordinating with the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) and the local government for flood management in the area.

"Personnel from the Samapta Directorate have been sent to Pekalongan along with the trucks and equipment needed to help evacuate and clean the environment due to flooding. Furthermore, flood management is coordinated with the Central Java Provincial Government, BPBD and Pekalongan Regional Government," said Kombes Risto Samodra, Friday, March 15.

It was stated that the Central Java Police were currently preparing medical personnel and trauma healing which was ready to be dispatched at any time needed.

Regarding the security of the environment around the flood location, the Central Java Police empowered local police and police personnel.

Polres and Polsek personnel around the location will be empowered to help smooth the provision of assistance and patrols to prevent disturbances to security and social order.

"In a disaster situation, criminal potential remains. Unresponsible parties may take advantage of the situation to retrieve items left by residents. For this reason, patrols will be carried out intensively to eliminate potential disturbances in Kamtibmas," he explained.

The Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Satake Bayu Setianto, added that the Central Java Police are trying to provide assistance as an action to respond to disasters that occur in all provinces of Central Java.

"As an implementation of the Central Java Police slogan, personnel and aid materials are prepared which residents need to be affected by the flood, related to handling them are coordinated with stakeholders related to", he said

Regarding traffic conditions in extreme rainy weather like today, Satake appealed to the public to increase their vigilance. Extreme rainy weather is a natural factor that is often the cause of traffic accidents.