DPD Senator's Proposal In The DKJ Bill: Participants In The Jakarta Pilkada Must Have Betawi People

JAKARTA - Senator of the DPD RI from DKI Jakarta Sylviana Murni suggested that there be Betawi candidates for governor or deputy governor election (Pilkada) Jakarta.Sylviana submitted this proposal during a meeting on the Draft Jakarta Special Region Law (RUU DKJ) at the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR."What if we continue to collaborate democratically but on the one hand we are fighting for the Betawi people who own Jakarta. I see that Papua has OAP (Indigenous Papuans) and there is even hope that I'm not wrong, there are 14 members of the DPR who are obliged to OAP," said Sylviana in the Legislative Room of the DPR, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, March 15."Well, if for example it is appointed, but all parties that appoint a partner to fight for the Pilkada have a 20-percent female quota obligation. But this is mandatory, the deputy governor, the governor, it must be from the Betawi element," he continued.The criteria, continued the former cawagub DKI 2017, first the father and mother were native Betawi people. Second, one of his parents is his mother or only his father who is a native Betawi descendant."Third, those who have contributed and excelled for a long time live in Betawi and fight for the Betawi community. Then there are a few more, there are awards to the Betawi people, for example the chairman is not Betawi people but if he contributes a lot to the Betawi people why not?," explained Sylviana."So I mean, this collaboration between democratism can still be chosen, but there are provisions that stipulate that political parties will nominate in the mandatory regional elections, one of which must be Betawi people," he continued.The 1981 nine Jakarta hopes that the Betawi natives can be given the opportunity to lead their own city. Like the original Papuans."Similar to Papua. Jakarta gives the opportunity to Betawi. I have to fight for this, about the results, it's Allah SWT and your father here," said Sylviana.Sylviana also asked that the mayor appointed by fit and proper test also regulate the quota in the regional regulation.
"For example, how many mayors from Betawi were properly selected in a fit and proper test, but there must be that criterion, it's just a matter of us Betawi people preparing it with that requirement," he concluded.