Polda Metro Jaya Unloads Circulation Of LSD From Germany

Polda Metro Jaya thwarted efforts to circulate CC4 or LSD (Lyseegic Acid Diethylamide) in February 2024. The narcotics were sent to Indonesia from Germany."This is a shipment from Germany. Through JNE, this is a type of CC4 or LSD, this is class 1 narcotics," said Director of Drug Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki to reporters, Friday, March 15.From the disclosure, 2,500 LSD sheets were confiscated which were packaged into 5 large sheets.LSD-type narcotics that fall into class 1 are in the form of stamps with varied images. Users usually put the drugs on the roof of the mouth."We have secured 1 suspect in the name of NK as a courier and dealer. This is evidence of 2,500 LSD or CC4 sheets," he said.Circulation of LSD, continued Hengki, targets students. Because they will be interested in the form of the narcotics."The targets are all, so with this cartoon mode targeting schools, teenagers whose use is very easy and in demand by teenagers," he said.Regarding the controlling figure or financier behind the LSD circulation effort, Hengki could not speak much. Investigators are still pursuing one person suspected of being involved.
"There is another development besides one suspect who has been secured as a courier or dealer, we are also pursuing him, DPO," said Hengki.