Putri Ayudya Tells The Excitement Of The Combination Of Acting And CGI Effects In Kuyang Film

JAKARTA - Artist Putri Ayudya has again starred in a horror film entitled Kuyang: The Devil's Ally who Always stalks the production house Aenigma Pictures and will hit theaters starting March 7.

Putri plays Mina Uwe who is a shaman in a village who has black power and can turn into a meyang creature. Seeing this, Putri tries to tell an exciting story about the process she becomes the me who uses the CGI effect.

To be able to turn into a meyang, Putri was worn a shirt like a swimsuit and a few tools were attached to her face so that CGI devices could be detected.

"Where do we shoot like we wanted to swim yesterday, it's like going to swim because we wear a swimsuit like this (a neck), it's blue and wears a swimming hat," said Putri Ayudya in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, March 5.

"Because it can be traced, it's here (the face) is put red and red, in the end we can spill the photo, in time. So it's like I felt really excited yesterday," he explained.

In addition, Putri must use her imagination as an actor to be able to play a kuyang figure who relies on a pole with the end that has a red light. This is used as a heart marker of the kuyang she plays in this film.

"Then the make-up looks really white or outside because it's related to technicality, doesn't it look like his heart is burning red? So I play with Dimas, I have to look back like this and I have to be scared," he explained.

"But the one passing behind is the pole, the head is red, the pole is a bit long, the end is on, the color is red, there's no scary thing. It's like there's no way to shoot, which is full of imagination like this makes me feel really actor," he concluded.