Reality Club And LAIR, Two Indonesian Music Entities That Will Show Off At SXSW 2024

JAKARTA - Two Indonesian music entities will take part in the 2024 SXSW event in Austin, Texas. They are the Reality Club and LAIR.

Reality Club itself is a band from Jakarta known for its dynamic music. Their work has a wide reach ranging from sweet pop, indie rock to slow rock ballad.

Apart from SXSW in Texas, the band, which is fronted by Faiz, Fathia, Era and Nugi, will also visit 7 other cities for tours in North America, namely Seattle, Sacramento, San Francisco, LA, Chicago, Toronto and New York City. Their action in South by Southwest will be the perfect comeback because in 2020 they have entered the SXSW lineup but eventually canceled for one reason or another.

They will appear in the FRIENDS series: FUREVER which is predicted to be the concept of a lively performance. There will be dozens of musicians from various countries participating in it.

On the other hand, the uniqueness of a music group called LAIR brings curiosity to many people. With the eccentric concept, the band, which was formed in 2018, has gone to various countries.

SXSW 2024 is also an interesting forum for orkes/traditional genre bands to show their identity. Their show will be an unusual treat that might cause a variety of reactions, and that's where it is unique.

Let's give support to the Reality Club and LAIR to introduce their music to the world scene.