Legal Counsel Affirms Mediation Failed, Hopes Teuku Ryan Will Be Threatened Inevitable?

JAKARTA - The divorce trial between the two Teuku Ryan and Ria Ricis pairs was held again with an agenda for submitting the results of the first mediation. Teuku Ryan's attorney, Dedi Armidi, emphasized that the first mediation was declared a failure.

However, Teuku Ryan still hopes that his desire to reconcile can still be fulfilled because the divorce process between the two still has to go through a long process.

"Today, the agenda received the results of mediation two weeks ago. If the mediation clearly failed yesterday, but I think I thank the panel of judges," said Dedi Rizal Armidi when met at the South Jakarta Religious Court, Monday, March 4.

"But this is still a long time, yes, the panel of judges is also still asking about their readiness to divorce, the question is that way," he continued.

His desire to remain reconciled can be seen with the presence of Teuku Ryan who was present earlier than the trial schedule even though Ria Ricis was absent.

"First of all, I say that Ryan is very concerned about being processed by the judiciary, so he came to show his seriousness in maintaining his household, Ricis's problem not coming is another matter, because it is not mandatory," explained Dedi Rizal Armidi.

In addition, both sides of the family also still expect the same thing as Teuku Ryan, namely reconciliation.

"Seeing the dynamics outside the intensity of the family, both provide support, and others, I hope it can be a good sign," said Dedi Rizal Armidi.